I feel like I hit a wall

I started my weight loss last year after my hubby took me shopping for new clothes for valtentine's day. I decided to buy a tredmill instead after trying on some of the clothes. I have managed to make great progress. I have lost over 20 pounds and I went from barely running for a minute to running a 5k in under 30 minutes. I feel great, but I am stuck at 155 and with a lot of visible weight on my mid section I am just not sure what to do. Oh, and I am nursing a baby so I can't take anything that isn't 100% natural or that has a ton of caffeine. Course I wouldn't if I wasn't nursing either. I have thought about adding strength training and bought a resistance band (I just have to learn how to use it now lol). I don't have the money for a gym or new equipment either. (at least not expensive equipment).
Any ideas would be appreciated.


  • Lstrode
    Lstrode Posts: 51
    Try some exercises that target your midsection. You can probably google it and get lots of results. And most don't require any kind of equipment.
  • chrislnicholson
    this may sound insane, but I use EA fitness 2 on my nintendo Wii and it is structured enough in the workouts that it seems to be helping a lot, and it will teach you how to use your band : )
  • rachpiper720
    I think if you do just one exercise for so long your body just gets used to it and you have to switch things up to keep the fat coming off. Strength training would help, I think.

    I found this amazing website: www.bodyrock.tv It is a blog style and the lady who runs it gives you a daily workout routine. It has a whole bunch of workouts that generally require nothing more than just your body. If it does require equipment, then you can just modify it so you don't have to use it. The intervals are ~20 minutes and then she has you jump rope for 20 minutes to get your cardio in. I just usually go for a jog instead. I like it because it is a different routine every day, I don't have to think about a workout, and best of all ITS FREE! You could also pick up the 30 Day Shred videos or the Biggest Loser Boot Camp for around $10.

    Word of caution, you might see an initial weight gain or it may take a little while to lose more pounds. It is just your body getting used to more muscle you are building. Good luck!
  • tucker131
    Thank you rachpiper720, I will check out that website.