I need motivation!!

pigsterr Posts: 6 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I had to get my gallbladder removed exactly 4 weeks ago, I was told to wait 4 weeks to start working out again and I do not want to start again :*( But I need to, my hubby will be home in about 3 months and I want to do as much as I can by then!! How do you get the motivation you need? Help!


  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Whenever I lack motivation I step back and just take it one day at a time. Plan out the next day INCLUDING exercise and just be determined to make your goal for that day. Then plan out your NEXT day before going to bed. One day at a time.....and after a week or so I seem to get back on track. Some times you just need to take baby steps. Maybe post a pic of your hubby in a few places where you'll see it often for motivation. Like the refrigerator, the bathroom mirror, the rearview mirror in your car. That way you'll be reminded of your goal often. Hang in there! Best of luck to you......and to getting your arms around your hubby again in three months! That is awesome! :)
  • This past september of 2010 I ended up getting my gallbladder removed too - i'm not much of one for excercise either - most of that i've been getting is walking at the mall or walking outside taking pictures. that's one excercise you can and allowed to do is walk. I don't know where you live, but if you live in cold winter months like i do in PA, bundle up, grab a camera and go out and take pictures. You'll never know what you might see. Walking could get you started so by time you're allowed to do other stuff then you're at least one step ahead. :) Plus the motivation, that you wanna look good for you hubby, I think that's motivation enough :) I get where you're coming from though - motivation is hard to do, very hard. It's probably the hardest of all to get started but just say "I'm gonna do it, and go do it" geeze, I should take my own advice. :p Do you have any goals? Like a new outfit? I noticed on this site alot of people made mini-goals and that seems to be their motivator - so maybe try that too? :) Good luck - feel free to add me and I will help encourage you along :)
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    First off I support you in your journey.

    Secondly for motivation, I have pictures posted on my fridge of me when I was thin and when I weighed my heaviest at 270 on a 5'1 frame I was huge. It reminds me when I want to binge eat the weight I never want to be again and it reminds me of what I used to look like when I was a happier healthier self. I also (although I hate mirrors) have a huge one in my bathroom where every morning I make myself look at myself and say at least 3 positive things about me and why I'm worthy of this process and I try to notice changes from the weight loss journey. Changes usually once a week but 3 positive things is a daily ritual. At first it was hard to come up with 3 now I can come up with at least 5 and if I have a rough low day I get the 3 which changes my mood around it does get easier.:smile:
  • mrsweigl
    mrsweigl Posts: 198 Member
    I took some pics of myself a few weeks ago and whenever i lack motivation i look at them...i am sick of my body being so out of shape! Good luck!!!
  • pigsterr
    pigsterr Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys! All great ideas!! I actually don't have a mini goal like a reward set if I lose any, but I will have to dot hat maybe it will help :) I will try to take it day by day, it is so hard to start all over again, not that I was doing very good before but I have a hard time getting myself to stay on track I do have old pictures I look at that help me sometimes, ones of me pre pregnancy and others after at my heaviest it helps because even though most the time I can't tell or see it I have lost weight and that always helps to see that there is change I think I can do this though I am 5'1 and I would love to be around 125 or 130
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I had the same problem after my hysterectomy. I had 6 weeks without exercise and would get extremely fatigued after small chores. I just walked at first. My first walks were pretty short but I built it up a little at a time. Before long, I was able to do water aerobics a couple of times a week. After about 9-10 weeks, I was able to do pretty much anything I could do before surgery. Just take baby steps until you're doing what you did before.
  • sarahlauren18
    sarahlauren18 Posts: 128 Member
    Sometimes I just remind myself that If I just do it in 3 months I will be reeping the rewards and feeling great BUT if I dont do it in 3 months I'll be exactly where I am today and that is NOT ok with me !!!! I hate having regrets .. NO REGRETS
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