
I've never been a thin person but I've always wondered what it would be like. I thought once I drop 100 pounds I'll be happier, healthier and I'll like myself more. Well wouldn't you know it... I lost almost 20 pounds and I was feeling great! Then over the last 3 or 4 days I've begun to undo it... Eating nearly 5000 cals a day, stated making excuses not to exercise... Why once I'm feeling happy do I do this to myself? Is it too late? Should I even bother continuing? Am I the only one who had sabotaged themself? I'm so down.


  • janiebabes
    janiebabes Posts: 6 Member
    Have you identified your eating triggers? That might give you the clue to why you are sabotaging yourself. Are you convinced you can't do it? If you are afraid of failure, then sabotaging yourself means you never have to test that. Are you convinced you don't deserve to be fit and healthy? Are you suffering from hormonal fluctuations? Are you limiting your calories *too* much on your "good" days?

    You definitely should keep going - one or two bad days, or even weeks, still can't undo the good you are doing yourself over a long time period. A setback isn't a failure, and keeping to your plan isn't a success - it's just a journey you are taking on your commitment to a better life.

    It can help to have alternatives there for you when you get the impulse to eat, be it healthier foods or an alternative activity such as meditation.

    Are you exercising? One of my big motivators is working hard in the morning on my run or cycle, and then pigging out is less tempting because I don't want to waste all that hard work!

    You aren't the only one who sabotages themselves. I've been doing it for years - I don't know what flipped the switch for me this year but I feel so much more confident in my ability to do this.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I took over 4,000 calories in yesterday as well, so I feel your pain. I have binge eating disorder and it is really hard to control, but the important thing is that you are trying to control it.

    If you are anything like me, the guilt of binging makes me want to binge more to quel the emotion. It's a vicious circle but you can break it. I am trying to break ten years of this, so I know it isn't going to go away overnight but it's still hard to come back from an episode of losing control.

    I had some really great therapy last year in relation to my eating disorder and it really did help, I am nowhere near as bad as I used to be, maybe you could try and look into that, if you haven't tried it before?

    Feel free to add me if you want, because I know how hard this can be!
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    peppers -

    I had an AWFUL day yesterday, I was stressed over school and allowed myself to eat an entire pint of soy ice cream, crisps, nuts, who knows, you can look at my diary it was insane. but i still went to the gym. which really cheered me up. yeah, my calorie goal was way off for the day but today i didn't let that stop me: i made it back to my 1200 goal today.

    one of the biggest motivators for me is that it's not over if you go over your calories. you can always work out and make it right. even if you eat them late night, just add the extra calories to the next day's diary in the morning so you HAVE to go to the gym.

    i know it's really hard and i can't pretend i can understand your situation but i know it's not easy for anyone. please don't let one bad day decide your future. keep going.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    The entire week i had been great with food even though i missed gym couple of days. But starting Friday it changed. I went to Chinese buffet on Friday Saturday lunch had a HUGE Indian meal and at night went to friends place and again ate a ton. Sunday have another party i know I might end up more. I am sadeither. However i plan to hit the gym or push play on my dvd. It will make feel better and will let you on track again. You can and will do it. Don't let anything bother you. I read success is a journey not a destination. Keep going. :)
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    Ive had bad lunches for the last 3 days , essentially 1000 cal for just that meal.
    Ive managed to stay under my calorie goal by eating better at night BUT its not the proper way to do it. I know that and i have to control that.

    prior to that i was going real good and eating clean.

    Ive managed to maintain my exercise which is good.

    Yes you should continue, this isnt an overnight thing , it wont come undone overnight and it wont happen overnight either.

    Stay strong
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    Of course you should continue peppers. All your hard work isn't going to go away in a few days. Get back on track. I've had a few bad days in the last month but still lost 13 pounds. You will have to figure out what your triggers are and replace the need to eat with something else. Are you a stress eater? I find that I am. Please don't give up - you are one of my inspirations :)
  • purplespeckle
    I've never been a thin person but I've always wondered what it would be like. I thought once I drop 100 pounds I'll be happier, healthier and I'll like myself more. Well wouldn't you know it... I lost almost 20 pounds and I was feeling great! Then over the last 3 or 4 days I've begun to undo it... Eating nearly 5000 cals a day, stated making excuses not to exercise... Why once I'm feeling happy do I do this to myself? Is it too late? Should I even bother continuing? Am I the only one who had sabotaged themself? I'm so down.

    It's NOT to late! You CAN continue this journey! Once you reach your goals you'll say "I'm so glad I continued this" b/c you will feel so much better!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    You can do it, you really can! Posting here was a great thing to do... you can get advice, inspiration, and help from all of us in teh same boat! I tried so many times to lose the weight, and I'm not sure what made it happen for me this time, but don't give up, it will happen for you too!!

    How tall are you? Losing 100 pounds would put you in the 120's, which is a really low weight for many people! Maybe you need smaller goals to start with so they don't seem as daunting! It's hard to fit in the excercise when you are a mom, but try to get a walk or something in each day, so that you have a few extra calories, and then when you need a fix, you can have smaller snacks on hand to go to...

    Just try to remember that the way food makes you feel only lasts a short while, but the way you will feel about your new body will last forever!!!!!

    Sending you a friend request for support!! :)
  • chilipeppers
    I think most people before they are able to stay on track suffer through relapses. I know I have! But just remember how good it feels to have had any success and remind yourself that it's been done before and that you can do it too. And don't discourage yourself. I know it's hard, but living a life with a love/hate relationship with food is torturous and not worth it. It's all about learning to love the food you eat because it loves you back.

    Also, a good motivation for me is picking up a couple bags of 10 lb potatoes (or something to that effect) and just feel the weight in your hands and think about how that weight in your hands was once on your body, putting stress on your joints and holding you back. It's interesting to physically see what 10 pounds looks like, cause it may not feel like much, but it really really is.
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    you are not the only one. trust me. right now i am where you are at, i want to give up and quit and go hide in my room with some zebra cakes, lol! i don't even want to exercise today and who knows if i will. i think we all have days, and sometimes weeks like this. just try to take it one day at a time. i love reading the success stories, really helps me get back on track. don't give up yet!
  • punkrockmama
    punkrockmama Posts: 142 Member
    First: WOW!!!!! 20 lbs gone!!! That is great!!! Don't be forget to celebrate that HUGE victory!!! And remind yourself of how strong you are and will continue to be!!

    Next...I peeked at your profile and food diary (your kids are gorgeous, btw!!), and I noticed that your protein seemed a little low. Perhaps you should research the % a little and try tweaking yours to see if maybe you are having trouble bc you are no receiving enough of something. I know I crave sweets like crazy if I don't have the proper amount of fat/protein.

    Also, I know that if I don't do well at breakfast, I will have a horrible day filled with cravings, hunger, etc. Are you vegan? Maybe some steel cut oats, nuts, and yogurt will help start you out on a stronger path?

    I know this isn't easy!!! It's so hard to stay on task and falling off track is so easy! But you have 3 beautiful children who look to you to show them what can be done, and how to so it! Remembering that my kids see me and my own feelings toward food really keeps me in check. I want their little bodies to be as strong and as healthy as I can make them.

    You can do this!!! Look for support near you...maybe something like weight watchers? I've heard so many wonderful things about them!!

    Good luck!!! Your so beautiful and so young that I know you can do this!!!

    You ARE worth it!!!!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Yes for sure continue. Don't dwell on the past days you've been messing up. Get right back to it because we can't change what happened yesterday only we do right now. Even a "tomorrow" plan isn't as good as doing what you can right now.
  • Veggie_Eloise
    Veggie_Eloise Posts: 99 Member
    I have had an issue with emotionally eating and binge eating since I was about 16.
    I know the feeling of eating way too much and wondering if it's even worth trying to do right the next day.
    Let me tell you, it is worth it!
    You are worth it.
    There will be days that are hard but never give up!
    MFP and all of us are here to support each other through the ups and downs.
    We are here for you! :)
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