Huh... Hi?

I've never done a site like this, but I'm hoping this helps. I was effortlessly fit and thin for what seemed like most my life and then, one day, I guess a whole bunch of things shifted, mentally, physically, emotionally, and I gained up to 60 pounds. I've been fighting with my weight for the past ... 10-12 years, and it seems to be particularly difficult since my mind, mentality, still seems to think of things the way I did when I was younger and fitter. At one point, though, after about 6-7 years of effort, I was back. I felt great and swore I wouldn't let myself go back down that nasty path. But then things shifted again and the weight started creeping back on. And then, on top of that, I gained another 40 pounds and had a beautiful baby.... My daughter's almost 2 now and will be going into daycare soon. No more excuses. I want, and need, to lose at LEAST 20 pounds. I need to change my lifestyle to be healthier and happier and feel sexier so that I can be the positive role model I'd like to be for my daughter, and to be the wife I want to be for my husband.

So I'm trying something new for me. And I really hope this helps....


  • autumnbreeze89
    You definitely can do it. I have had my moments where I thought I couldnt do it.
    You can do it =) Good luck
  • cj45431
    Hi! This really does help. I looked for something like this for a while and couldn't decide on which site to go with. Eventually my smart phone and the android store helped me make the choice. It's totally worth it! Being able to eat whatever you want, just watching your portions. I wish I had started sooner! :smile:
  • mottles
    mottles Posts: 12 Member
    I hear you! I'm doing something very similar, gradually put on the pounds after my two babies, not much time to spend on me and now 15 kg to lose. But my big girl is finally off to school this week, so time to get into action.... :-)
  • sunnylew808
    ok...well you already look pretty darn good to me...but I know how you have to feel good about yourself...ha,ha! I'm not great with the eating part...but I've been pretty consistent with the working out part...ha, let's see how this site works...ha,ha! Thanks for letting me know about it! :o)

  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    Welcome! This site is awesome!!!
    Much encouragement
    Funny stories
    Plenty of successes

    Log in, Log food and get moving!

    If you are looking for a friend, I'd be honored!