I gained 1 pound, but I LOST inches! :o)

THE GOOD: Hi all, I'm only a few weeks into MFP, I re-joined January 1st in a bid to begin getting slim. I don't want to be fat any more. So far, I've had great progress.

THE BAD: However, this weeks weight in saw a 1 pound gain! On previous diets, gimmicks and so on, I would had been down that whole week, or even come off the diet. But not this time, thanks to my diary, I know I've done nothing different from the previous weeks. There could be many reasons, one of which I suspect is water retention. I don't feel well and it's almost due my (ahem) lady time, to put it nicely. I may be new to MFP and eating healthy, but I'm not new to dieting and how my body acts.

THERE IS NO UGLY: Anyway, getting to the point. Unlike my previous years weight losses, I've decided to take measurements as well as hopping on the scales, for days just like this. While I've gained 1 pound this week, I'VE LOST 6.5 inches!!! This proves that while the scales say one thing, my body is still shrinking. And I'll will keep at it and get that pound off and more next week.

Have a great week everyone!


  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    aww thats great also the 1lb gain is probably due to that time of month lots of women gain temporally during this time.
    keep it up :):)
  • Suzy_B
    Suzy_B Posts: 30 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far!

    Another reason you may have gained but lost inches is that you're building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less room. I completely agree with taking measurements along with weight, without the measurement number it becomes easy to get discouraged.
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    aww thats great also the 1lb gain is probably due to that time of month lots of women gain temporally during this time.
    keep it up :):)

    I suspect so, I'm aching in all the right places and is usually the one time the scales stay put. We shall see....
    Congrats on your progress so far!

    Another reason you may have gained but lost inches is that you're building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less room. I completely agree with taking measurements along with weight, without the measurement number it becomes easy to get discouraged.

    I suspect I haven't done enough excercise to gain muscle, I only occasionally walk and dance, but will bare that in mind! :o) Thank you.