Fearing sabotage

carmen62 Posts: 60
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I am overweight and have need only 4kg (just over 8lb) to be clinically in a healthy weight range. I am doing well, lost 2.7kg but importantly traded fat for muscle. I am the best weight I have been in almost 10 years.

I know this doesn't sound like much, but for some reason, I have lost weight before and then sabotage myself, never quite getting into the healthy weight range. And yes, the fat roll is there to lose off the tummy, back fat and a bit on the thighs.

My work kicks in next week and I will be under the pump. I am terrified I will slip and fail yet again, in spite of feeling great. I think this is a scenario others may relate to.

Any advice from those who have done the same over the years and eventually won?


  • Skye76
    Skye76 Posts: 28
    This might sound silly, but do it anyway. Make a list. Every reason, no matter how ridiculous or off-the-wall it sounds, that you want to lose weight. And be specific! If you want to lose weight because you're dying to enter the guacamole-wrestling contest, write it down! None of these vague, "I want to look better" or "I want to be healthy" reasons; these are the "I want my significant other to do shots off my six-pack abs" and "I want to catch the doorman staring after me as I walk by" reasons. Put those reasons in random places around your home and office where you (and hopefully no one else) can find them. Do you really want that doughnut, or do you want the cashier at the grocery store to temporarily forget how to talk when they look at you?
  • Thanks:ohwell: Just got to get on with it. Yes, can think of a few secret desires!:wink:
  • Try not to project too much into the future. If you can be certain that you're not gonna slip or fail today, then be good with that. If you need to take it down to "I'm not gonna binge/overeat/snack this minute" then do that, too.

    If you truly are sabotaging yourself, you may want to take a look at why. Are you afraid of being too attractive? Have self-esteem issues? Body image issues?

    For myself, being fat was the go-to reason for every failure or rejection in my life. I didn't have to consider that there might be something ELSE about me that caused the fail/pain/whatever that I could and should correct (think here of a *****y mouth that doesn't know when to quit).

    There are lots of good books around that help sort out the self-sabotage stuff. Might be worth a look?


  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    When I'm feeling overwhelmed I break things up into smaller goals - and I give myself rewards for meeting those goals. It helps me stay on track!
  • The small goal is good. One kilo please!!!!
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