Here I Go!!!!!

I, like most of us, have been on this weight roller coaster for a while now. Since my 3rd child I have totally been on the downward spiral toward the couch potato that can't do anything without getting winded. I just turned 39 yesterday and have 62 pounds to lose and plan on having my goal weight and active life back by the time I'm 40! I don't remember how the weight got there, well it could have something to do with the late night snacks and gravy on everything, but I know I need to get it off for myself and my children. I'm a nurse for Pete's sake, I should know better than to be teaching bad habits, especially to my kids. Anyway here I am, and hoping we all will be seeing alot less of me in the future.....Good Luck to ALL!!!!!!!!


  • shelli1982
    good luck! You sound like you have your head in the right spot and have lots of reasons to be healthy, so good luck!! You CAN do it :)