
saratiger Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I've put on A LOT of weight in the past year and a half. Not to make excuses but I just got out of the Navy last year and in that time I had a baby. He's 8 months now and I weigh more than I did when I gave birth. I'm a student and homemaker now and without the Navy to whip me back into shape, like it did with my last two children, I just keep gaining. Then, I start feeling like garbage about not gaining and it makes me gain even more, because I start to feel helpless. I've recently started a membership to the YMCA and I've been going everyday. I'm sore as heck, but I feel so much better, even if I haven't seen any progress. I know it's a slow process and I just have to keep it up : ) I"m loving this website because I can keep track of what I eat and my exercise anywhere.


  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    First off, thank you for your service! My grandfather and uncle were both Navy, and with myself, husband, and brother also in the military (Air Force) I can completely understand missing out on unit PT. You'll find this site to be a huge help and with a gym membership, what the Navy taught you for exercises, and dedication and determination, you should bounce right back in no time! Good luck!
  • Salpica
    Salpica Posts: 205 Member
    It's frustrating not to see progress right away, but the fact that you feel better should make everything you've done worth it so far. Just imagine how great you will feel once you start making major strides to your goal!

    Welcome to the site, there are a bunch of great people here!
  • Thanks guys!!! I love the motivation this site offers from people like you guys : )
  • rebrafe
    rebrafe Posts: 64
    Hi Sara, My name is Rebecca andnthis is my first day on here also. I too have a 9mth old and although I have lost some weight since he was born back in March, I still have quite a bit to lose! I started Ideal Protein a few days ago and I fell as if I am starving. Not fun - may not last so long. Anyway, great job on the gym membership - I got one too, last week and still haven't been! Uggh! I will though - I will! Have a great Sunday :)
  • Nucleartiger
    Nucleartiger Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome Sara and best of luck! I too was in the Navy and wish that I could go back in time and maintain the weight loss that I acheived during my time in.
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