My appetite has decreased

Hi I'm new and in the u.k,
I started My Fitness Pal last Sunday and found the first 2 days hard to hit my goal of water intake now though I don't find it a chore it's becoming second nature, there is just one thing that has struck me today and that's I missed my morning snack I just didn't feel hungry for it. I used to stuff my face with allsorts and now even the night time snacking has stopped is this normal?


  • BehindBlueEyes988
    your metabolism may have slowed a little from the change in diet. just keep eating healthy snacks and foods, at least 6 mini-meals a day to get it back up again. when you change your diet the body has to adjust first
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    Same thing happened to me (and still happening). I simply can't force myself to eat if I'm not hungry- so that's off the table. I'm interested to see what other have to say...
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Welcome :smile:

    I feel lost without a bottle of water beside me!! lol

    Good Luck with your goal.

  • columbiasmiles
    columbiasmiles Posts: 54 Member
    Well, from what I think my appetite has decreased especially with the increase in water consumption. Also I am trying to stay within my calorie limit and I think since I am not eating that much, my body is getting used to it. I find now that when I eat I feel fuller quicker which helps me push that plate away. Even when snack time is around and I don't feel hungry I eat something healthy because this makes me not want to not over eat at lunch and at dinner.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    totally normal! as your body gets used to healthy portions it will start to ASK for them. I just posted about how quickly this seems to happen-- consider it a blessing that your body doesn't want those allsorts anymore!
  • madmand0802
    madmand0802 Posts: 14 Member
    I am hitting my calorie goal 95% of the time and to be honest I knew I was eating too much before, half the time I was eating in my tea breaks at work I think out of fear that if I didn't I would be starving 30 minutes after .... I was just worried I was doing something wrong because I so want to hit my goal and wouldn't want to jeopardize anything .... Is there anything else I might notice over the coming weeks/months?
    Also I overeat protein too but, love chicken and fish is there a right or a wrong to that too?
    Sorry for all the questions I'm a newbie and I promise I will stop (eventually lol)