weigh in everyday?

Billiek Posts: 8 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
hey all,
is it better to weigh in every day and keep a close eye on your weight? or is it better to weigh in the same day/time every week once a week?


  • midgetrapper
    midgetrapper Posts: 60 Member
    i'd say same time and day once a week, every week. i have no medical backing on that. but, it works best for me.
  • rugrat200324
    rugrat200324 Posts: 128 Member
    I chose to weigh in on sat mornings. This is the best to pick a day and time and do it once a week. Every once in a while i peek during the week. Hope this helps
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    I weigh in everyday, but I'm not sure that is very positive. It has caused me to stress out a bit, I just can't go days and days without knowing.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Don't do it, man, don't do it! I think weighing in every day will make you crazy! All the little ups and downs make it hard to keep track of how much you are losing, and make it hard to see the forward progress! I always advocate for weekly weigh-ins on the same scale, wearing the same things, at the same time of day.
  • i weigh myself once a week. every friday morning before work. ur weight will change everyday. i try not to obsess with it.
  • asyluma
    asyluma Posts: 65 Member
    I feel my body betrays me when I look everyday. I'll hit a low of 206, then the very next day it'll say 213, day after that, 209... too much fluctuation. So once a week or so for me, but that's just cause my body doesn't want to be consistent.
  • Yeah, don't weigh yourself everyday; you'll get discouraged because weight fluctuates constantly due to many different things going on in the body. To get the most accurate results, once a week I weigh in at the same time (in the morning) after I use the bathroom and before I eat/drink anything.
  • I wouldn't weigh myself everyday, but you should when you do weigh yourself do it at the same time (morning, afternoon, or evening) to get the most accurate results. Your weight can change depending on the time of day, so if you change which the time you could actually see a gain. But the reason I wouldn't weigh in everyday is because you could get disappointed if you don't see any weight lost even though you worked really hard at the gym, and there for not see the point in doing it. Once a week should be plenty.
  • klthomas59
    klthomas59 Posts: 100 Member
    If you weigh everyday you are going to get discouraged because your weight will fluctuate up and down. Whatever you do try to weigh in the same clothes and at the same time.
  • I try to weigh in at least once a week. When I first started working out and noticing that I was losing inches, I wanted to weigh myself every day. It became discouraging because the scale kept going up and down - so one minute I was feeling like I was on cloud nine, and the next I was feeling like a whale again.

    Now I just pay attention to the way my clothes are fitting. :-)
  • dr1981
    dr1981 Posts: 76 Member
    It's pointless to do it everyday. Once a week around the same time is just right
  • Everyday will Make you nuts. Once a week is plenty. Remember its not the weight that determines whether you look good or not, its how you feel and how you look. Dont put all of your criticism into your weight.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    pick once a week at the same time...dont do it everyday because water and different factors cause your weight to fluctuate from day to day
  • Chelseycm
    Chelseycm Posts: 4 Member
    The official answer from any nutritionist would be once a week. However, I do it every morning. It is so hard not to fall into temptation in just 24 hours. I like to see my hard work every morning. I have never seen a gain when I wasn't expecting it, so it also keeps me motivated. If I deviate from my diet I know how much damage I have done and it helps to not do it again, or I see a lose/maintenance and it gives me encouragement to keep going. Once a day works for me, but it is not recommended.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    once a week same day and time I find throughout the week my weight goes up and down like a yo yo so I get a more accurate idea of my progress if I weigh once a week x
  • evanryn
    evanryn Posts: 21 Member
    I weigh once a week, preferrably in the morning before I eat or drink anything. I used to do the daily thing at first and it was stressful b/c if I gained a pound or two I would obsess and feel guilty. It also deflated my motivation.
  • Ive been weighing everyday... I know that weight naturally goes up and down but It really helps me see how certian foods effect my body. So far I have been lucky and have been losing everyday so far. :)
  • sac04809
    sac04809 Posts: 9 Member
    I recently read in the Prevention Weight Loss magazine that a study was done at the University of Minnesota, they found that dieters that weighed themselves daily are able to drop extra pounds and keep them off than those who don't. However, you have to do what you think works best for you. I hope this was helpful.
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    You should weigh yourself at the most once a week, and roughly around the same time. Ideally, in the AM after a BM.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    The official answer from any nutritionist would be once a week. However, I do it every morning. It is so hard not to fall into temptation in just 24 hours. I like to see my hard work every morning. I have never seen a gain when I wasn't expecting it, so it also keeps me motivated. If I deviate from my diet I know how much damage I have done and it helps to not do it again, or I see a lose/maintenance and it gives me encouragement to keep going. Once a day works for me, but it is not recommended.

    I agree. Weighing in everyday helps me stay motivated. If I'm up 3 lbs from that 3,000 calorie dinner last night....I won't be doing THAT again! I would go nuts NOT weighing everyday. It keeps me on track. However, you just have to keep in mind that you will fluctuate naturally, so don't let that get to you. I normally look to every weekend to tell me how I'm really progressing. If I am up for more than a week, I know I truly gained. It is all a mind game. Go with what makes you happy. Mine is every morning, after I go to the bathroom and I'm naked. Makes me feel complete in some weird way. If I'm rushing and I forget, I'm frustrated all day because I don't know what I started the day off at.
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