get some dream jeans!

Dream jeans. I say that anyone on a diet needs a pair of them. What are dream jeans? They are a pair of jeans (imagine that) that you would like to fit in. Be realistic. If you are currently a size 24 dont get a 00 because that is just not going to happen. Buy a pair of these jeans and place them in your pants drawer or hanging up in your closet. When you are going through your clothing looking for something to wear and you come across your dream jeans, hold them up in the mirror and see how much more you have to go. If youare close, try them on and see how many more inches you have to be able to fit into them. This helps you because if you decided to stop dieting, you will still come across these jeans in your drawer or closet. I have my pair of dream jeans and i lack two inches and nine pounds to be able to fit into them. I am hoping that i will be able to fit into them by then end of Feb. I wish everyone would get some dream jeans. I have had a pair before when i was dieting and when i was able to fit into them it was a great feeling. I felt like i was truely thin. When i had first begin dieting it seemed that i would never be able to fit into them but when i became close i saw that it really could happen. Those jeans are now too big for me and i have a new and smaller goal for me. So GO DREAM JEANS!!!


  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    Almost all my jeans are dream jeans at this point. LOL! But I do have a pair that I haven't been able to wear in YEARS, and even when I could fit into them, I was only able to wear them maybe 3 or 4 times before I outgrew them. It's going to be a while before I'll be able to get in them, but I'm sure as heck going to try!
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i agree with you. i call mine my thinspiration jeans. i bought one pair thinking i was smaller than i was because i hadn't realized how much i'd really gained & the other pair was from a friend who bought them & they were too short, so since i'm shorter they became mine (they were clearance, so it wasn't worth it to return them) & they're two sizes too small for me. i see them in my drawer every so often & remind myself soon they'll fit! i'm hoping the pair i bought fits by the end of February, i can pull them on, but they barely close & my butt & muffin top hang out... what better motivation than clothes that you want to look amazing!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I have about 5 pairs.

    I'm currently in a 16/18 SNUG fitting pair of jeans (I don't like this) I have 5 pairs of size 13s at home. I found them in a drawer. 3 of them still have the tags! That says how quickly I gained the weight. I'm hoping to be back in those by the End of March,