newbie to MFP

tagsIT2011 Posts: 33
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, everyone!!!! I am new to this site. I have a big weight loss goal ahead of me this year. My sister, Susan, recommended this site... she used it last year and lost 50 lbs so far. So I took her advice and signed up.. I have invited a few trustworthy friends to join as well. For my support, mentors, and drill sergeants. ha ha ha :laugh:

my biggest endeavor yet to undertake. I have lost significant amounts of weight before, but always gained it back plus extra. I expect this to be a long process because of my age (53):frown: .. but I have high hopes. It is no longer a choice. It is a requirement for my life, health, and wellbeing. Any advice, tips, mentoring, or drill sergeant techniques you all can provide will be greatly appreciated. :heart: :wink:

Thanks for listening.....

weight loss 101
Cat from San Antonio:flowerforyou:


  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi Cat,

    I also am 53 and trying to lose between 50-60 lbs and am disabled due to 3 back surgeries. I had to chuckle when I read your post as I am always telling my daughter that I need someone to be on me like Jillian Micheals from Biggest Loser. I would love to be your friend on here and just remember.....We can do this together and we are all here for you. Lets do this!!!!!

  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    welcome..good luck on your journey..
  • Welcome. My story is similar to yours. I have tried every diet, fast, program, regimen over the past 40 years. I could always lose the weight, but I would always gain it back, plus some more. In 2009 I started reading - and getting serious about - the emotional and intellectual connections to weight. I decided to try to live a healthy lifestyle and deliberately not diet. Without being on any sort of program, I managed to stabilize my weight throughout the year. In 2009 I cranked it up a bit and found My Fitness Pal as a way to monitor my food intake.

    I started just using the smart phone app. I liked the size of the database, and how easy it was to find and calculate pretty much everything I was eating. I set a modest calories-per-day goal and found that it was fairly easy to maintain. I became obsessed with recording everything I ate, and reflecting the exact portions. The difference this time around is that I consciously try to not deprive myself, but at the same time I don't go crazy on portions or my downfall foods: cheese doodles, ice cream, cheese. :-) Now i move back and forth between the app and the website. It perfectly meets my needs.

    Once the weight started coming off, I cranked up a bit more and added exercise to my schedule. The weight dropped even faster. I lost about 60 lbs between January and October. Since Oct I've been focused on stabilizing - asking myself the question can I not fall of the wagon and actually maintain approximately the same weight? As of the end of January, the answer, amazingly, has been yes. I stopped recording everything I ate every single day, but I never went longer than 4-5 days without logging in.

    Now I'm concentrating on losing another 25 lbs, to reach my goal weight of 180 lbs. I'm 5'7" and 57 years old. I don't have a support group online like you do, with your sister and friends, but I do enjoy reading other participants' posts, victories and set-backs. It reminds me we're all human, and we're none of us perfect. Good luck, and once again welcome. I'm rooting for you.
  • Oprah Winfrey is also a big (no pun intended) inspiration to me. How about you?
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    I think you'll do well here. This site focuses on healthy, maintainable weight loss. Not so much crash diets. If you need any support add me as a friend.

    Remember The ALAMO!!!

    Sorry, had to say it as a fellow Texan. :)
  • Hi Bev!!!!

    Thank you for your support. And yes i would like to have my own personal Jillian or bob from biggest loser. But I think they would kill me first. ha ha ha ha .. I worked at a gym in 2007, and actually hired a personal trainer as part of the package. 6 weeks with my terminator taught me quite a few things i didn't know. mainly how to work the gym equipment. She was from Russia, 4'9", blond with a bad attitude. She would have me work out on the treadmill. .. (she preset it) and stand beside me. If I could answer her questions, she would turn up the speed and the incline. She kept doing this until i had no breath to answer or talk to her. i was at 45 mph on a 10 incline...... And she laughed. but she was helpful and tough, but I think she could give Jillian and bob a serious run for their money. :bigsmile:
    And you are correct.... We are in it for the long haul. and don't let your back surgeries hold you back to much. My philosophy is:: I you are moving, you are exercising. and it all counts. :tongue:
  • Thank you..... Awesome that you did all that by yourself. I need people and their stories to motivate me and yours will definitely be on my top 5 list. But like you, I know this is a long haul. But the difference this time is, like you, i am changing to a healthy lifestyle, versus a "diet". thanks for your support.....

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