Stay at Home Moms Support Each Other!



  • momtoogscjsjds
    I'd love to join you all! I'm currently a SAHM to 3 kiddies-- 7, 2.5, and 7.5 months. Our family is complete now and I really need to get the baby weight off and get healthy for myself and my kids.
  • trueandgenuine
    I'd love to join you all! I'm currently a SAHM to 3 kiddies-- 7, 2.5, and 7.5 months. Our family is complete now and I really need to get the baby weight off and get healthy for myself and my kids.

    Welcome to the thread. I hope you find it very motivating and up lifting. Please do post your thoughts and ideas.
  • trueandgenuine
    I thought it would be cool if we all shared a favorite recipe that's pretty good and somewhat healthy. That way we can all check out. Each others choice of foods and we can have something new to cook. Share away ladies!
  • fitmamaoftwins
    hello all, I am a stay at home mommy to my identical twin girls
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Question: Do I think losing weight will make me feel happier?

    Answer: Yes I do. When I'm heavy it does drain the energy out of me. Even just the 1 week I've been doing this so far I haven't really had the afternoon crash that I usually do, which makes me really tired and crabby. My energy is more stable throughout the day therefore I'm more stable. Overall I feel better when I eat better and when I am exercising regularly. Losing 20 lbs. is much needed for my psyche. I've been on the smaller side my entire life until I had the last 2 children. I don't want to put on a swimsuit and cringe at the reflection I want to feel comfortable and confident in my own skin.

    As for a healthy recipe: steamed/boiled spiced shrimp is a favorite you can eat them as their steamed or save them to put on a salad. With these you don't really need dressing on the salad as they are flavorful enough.

    1-2 lbs. medium shrimp 51-60 count raw, works with or without shells
    1/2 cup white vinegar
    1/2 cup water
    2 tbsp. roughly (I like a lot of this so adjust as needed) old bay seasoning
    1/2 tsp. cumin (optional) or
    garlic powder (optional)

    mix water, vinegar, old bay and cumin in large pot bring to a boil, add 1/2 lb. of shrimp cover and cook 3-5 min. or until all pink remove/drain shrimp from boil -repeat until all shrimp are cooked cooking only 1/2 lb. at a time
  • momtoogscjsjds
    Let's see.... my favorite color is blue. Navy blue to be exact. I just think it's really pretty and looks nice on.
    Food I can't live without... probably french fries. I just really love them. Don't know why. Funny b/c my kids seem to love them too.
    I'm trying to bake them a lot more now so they aren't as bad. My favorite are either steak fries or crinkle cut fries.

    I'd like to do the water challenge and the 5% weight loss challenge. They both sound motivating to me!
  • cgardner12
    cgardner12 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello! I'm Chrissy, a SAHM too ( well for the most part) and I'm so excited to have found this site and this group! I need this more than just for weight loss..I need it for my sanity as well :)
    I have two beautiful babies- Liam who is 3 and Layla who is 14 months..God has given me so much more than I could have ever asked for in wonderful kids!

    I'm working towards a big goal of 86 lbs!
    So needless to say, I will be here for a while!! That is my ultimate goal and a number I've never, in MY life seen on the scale..but a healthy range of course!
    So please keep me posted about challenges or just wanting to chat..I need it!

    Are there any challenges beginning? I would like to participate..maybe some for Valentines Day?
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    REPOST: The current challenges are-

    Our Challenge is.....2 fold a short term goal and a long term

    The short term goal is relatively easy , that is to drink all of your water a minimum of 64 oz. for 1 week ,not juice, not soda, not milk, tea or even (gulp) coffee! You can drink any of them but they do not count towards your water intake. We will start Monday Jan. 24 through Mon. Jan. 31.

    I know I am a far cry from getting all mine in regularly so it's a chore for me as well. I find if I have a cup with a straw I tend to drink more than just an open cup so I have a reusable plastic Starbucks cup with a straw that holds 20 oz. I take it to the gym with me and fill it up at least twice (then I tend to forget about it). Maybe you like your water in a sports bottle or one big 34 oz. jug, however it works best for you.

    If you're in for this challenge send me a message and I'll make a list of names and keep track of how many oz. each day.

    The second part of the challenge is longer and more difficult... 5 % in 6 weeks in other words 5% of your current body weight in 6 weeks! Starting Monday Jan. 24th through Feb. 28. For example I am currently 145 so 5 % for me would be 7,25 lbs. If you are 200 5% would 10 lbs.

    If you're interested in this challenge send me a message with your current starting weight on Monday and each Monday after let me know how many pounds lost. This could stay private information or if you want it can be put into chart so everyone can see how the group is doing. If it stays private I will post a message Tues. morning ,or sooner if every one turns in their info early enough, saying who is leading and listing everyone in order after that .

    Let me know what you all think.

  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    It's been very quiet on here today. I have 5 people who had said they are interested in the challenges. I need beginning weights from you if you haven't sent it already and also each day post if you drank all 8 cups or 64 oz. of your water. I did on Mon. Tues. was short of goal by 8 oz. and today isn't looking great either. I have a sick little girl with a fever of 102.5. There will be no exercise for me tomorrow but hopefully I'll get a chance to rest tonight. Usually when she's sick it's a stomach virus and we all end up getting it..ugh! Keep drinking water ladies, watch your calories and do an extra mile for me!

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    just checking in. This week has been a good week I have got in all my water for mon, tues and weds,. still working on today. And I have managed to get in exercise every day this week. I was at 206.5 on monday so I need to lose 11 lbs to lose 5% . That would put me at 195.5. that would put me in onderland YEAH. Hope everyone is having a good week.....

    QUESTION: Do you feel reaching your desired weight will make you truelly happy inside? Or do you have some concerns?

    Yes , I diffinately think I would be alot happier. I would be healthier and my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue would probably be better. I would be able to do more with my family. I am looking forward to going camping and hiking this summer without being in severe pain. I also would like to take the kids to the water park (we will see about this one) and also an amusement park this summer.

    My biggest concern is gaining back the weight. I lost 105 lbs about 12 yrs ago then I got sick with fibromyagia and thyroid problems and gained it all back. So this is a big concern for me. I know what a beating your self esteem takes when you gain it all back....
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Hello all SAHMs!

    I'll join this group! I am a SAHM of 3, two of which are with me at home all day (twin boys) My long term goal is lose 90 lbs. Nice to meet all of you!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Got the kids off to school early this morning and hit the gym by 0830...of course, I stood around chatting for over an hour, but once Zumba started up so did I :tongue:

    Love it so much that I have little problem going for a session of Power Yoga :tongue:

    Thrifty Thursday means left overs for supper, so I didn't even have to that's a pretty good day wouldn't ya say?! :wink:

    Day 4 of 90 plus ounces of water....even the scale is acting friendly-ish :laugh:

    Great evening & 2mrw to you all :flowerforyou:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    today is my weigh in day
    weigh in 202.5
    I lot 4lbs this week YEAH
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    themommie-Congrats on your 4lb. loss that's terrific!

    hooah_mj-90 oz. of water that's awesome! I've not quite made it to 64 oz. most days, though I am trying even still I'm up at least twice to use the restroom. Nice that your scale is being friendlish, mine was too this morning after i ate quite a bit yesterday..seems odd but true.

    heniko-Welcome to the group!

  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Thx Holly
    80 ounces of water today & 2 glasses of Crystal Light :drinker:

    I had the funniest morning today...I headed to gym at 0800 and the only group class offered was a Zumba Gold class, so yeap...I joined the ladies thinking I'd have a breeze of a workout. WELL was I ever busted...they absolutely kicked my butt! Great workout, but I could hardly keep up :laugh:

    They invited me to come back on Monday...guess I will, but I'll never shrug off a senior class again :laugh:

    It feels so good to be well....after a weekend of food poisoning, or whatever it was, I'm grateful to be here :flowerforyou:
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Holly!
    Water intake for the week Monday through today
    56oz 72oz 48oz 40oz 48oz 48oz

    Hope everyone had a great week is having a good weekend so far!
  • momtoogscjsjds
    Hey Moms-
    Sorry I've been MIA. Darn stomach bug/issue really laid me up! I haven't been in the gym in 5 days! :( Oh, and we had a blizzard in there too. I'm feeling better now though and back to the gym tomorrow.

    Holly- Needless to say, I'm wayyy off on water intake due to the stomach issue. I had 2 fantastic days and a few bad ones.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Yeah! 2mrw's Monday & the fam gets back to work, college, and high school (I'm so mean) :devil:
    ...just can't get stuff done, house back into order, & my Zumba time in until their out!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful & restful weekend...was a movie weekend for us & half a day @ the pool (indoor still) today :glasses: but that's about all the water I had today :blushing: the rest of the week, I averaged about 90 ounces a day :drinker: gotta get my water in!

    Starting the week out right! 0830 group class followed by some Zumba Wii :tongue:

    Do good ladies!
  • britmom
    Hi everyone! I am also a sahm with three kids ages 5,9,12. Between all the cold and snow I am finding it hard to keep motivated and would love to have some more support from mom's like me.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I am just checking in it is my weigh in day
    weigh in 201.1 I lost 1.4 lbs this week

    YEAH I am looking forward to onderland I am almost there,,,,,,I cant wait