Supportive Boyfriend??

We both still live with our parents, me with my mum and him with both of his.

I have discovered that as much as my boyfriend is trying to be supportive, I have just spent a week at his house and put on 2lbs :(
I know he is proud of all that I have lost but his household don't seem to understand that I'm on a lifestyle change,

I love his house but I always seem to put on weight, overeat and not sign in on here :/ he lives in a village so the internet is really awful,
We don't stay at mine as much as I'd like as my mum is being good seriously and he doesn't like the food, as its healthy and I quote rabbit food *rolls eyes*

I guess I'm just struggling with being involved with someone who isn't activly trying to lose weight, he is always saying he needs to but never actually changes anything,

I have been trying to get him to eat better but only seeing him twice a week as of this week, it will be harder than normal,
but I guess with him working monday-saturday will get him leaner like he wants and he might appreciate what I'm trying to do more :):)

I guess I'm asking for advice on how to stay good while away from home and the site

Little Miss Optimist


  • Suzy_B
    Suzy_B Posts: 30 Member
    Maybe you could offer to make some of the meals when you visit his house, his Mum might even appreciate it. I've learned, very recently, that you can make just about any foods in a healthy way with a little help from google. So I'm sure you could find meals he'd enjoy.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    You should get a notebook or diary journal and write down what you eat and get a calorie counting book so you can look up the calories of what you are eating,. Keeping track of your food and exercise in a notebook requires a little more work , but it will be worth it, then when you come home you can enter it in on this site. also I would start bringing some of my own food to his house, especially snacks and fruit, maybe also some yogurt and fruit for breakfasts and also try to get in more exercise, suggest going on walks together or bike riding together, playing the wii, exercising together during commercials, having contest to see who can do the most squats, leg lifts, push ups etc, just anything to be a little more active and it is more fun if you can do it together. I hope this helps
  • llbates
    llbates Posts: 25
    Keep a journal with you and write down everything you eat, if he asks why tell him you need to log it into the site later, find somewhere you can log in and update the site. if there eating something unhealthy, insist on making something healthy for yourself, you don't have to eat the same foods. if your problem is planning your calories for the day then make yourself a menu for the time you are going to spend there and stick to it, that way you already know how many calories you are consuming. if the problem is exercise, drag him for a walk through the country, a park, a local public garden or get him to shot hoops or play minature golf with you. there are plenty of options for staying healthy when someone around you is not trying to do the same.