DAY ! [ 140lbs to loose ]

vcmorse Posts: 18
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
So i like have this bad habit of saying im going to work out , or im going on a diet, but then i dont.

Seriously on the first day of this year, i got a gym membership. it is literally the second to last day of this month and Im FINALLY going.

I am kinda nervous , because i mean, im going to be this big fat M&M lookin thing walking in a gym of beautiful people who all seem to know what there doing...

On the other hand , im doing this for me so i dont think i should really care what they think.

I REALLY need to do this. Iv gotten myself down to under 200 and iv felt what it is like to mildly like yourself. not to mention i didnt feel like i was going to die after walking up a flight of stairs.

Im doing this for the pure fact that my image is everything to me. I cant look like a beast and expect clients to come and want me to try and make them look good.

Im also very sick of feeling like a prisoner of my own body. I have never been out in public showing my arms and legs. I despise spring and summer purly because i cannot get away with wearing long sleeves and pants.
I want to be able to be intimate with my boyfriend , who after almost 2 years has still not seen me naked. I want to be able to go out to clubs and feel confindent in the outfit that i want to wear
I want to be able to have a day at the beach and accurally enjoy it

I want to go swimming when its 103 outside
I want to go shopping and not have to settle for whatever is left in the xxl section .

I want to be able to do whatever i want and feel sexy even in the ugliest outfit.
i want to be able to run up a hill with out dying
i want to be able to buy grocerys without eating them within 1 day of buying them.

I want this more than anything and even tho i go to school tues-sat from 9 - 5 I WILL make it a point to have this happen. I WILL loose 140lbs.. and I WILL make damn sure that i do not fail. hopefully this time next year i will be a new person.

As of right now lets just take it one day at a time

<3 cheers to success !


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    you can do it! Comitt and you will succeed!
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    Best of luck!!!! I am in a similar boat with a lot of your goals. I have really enjoyed MFP and the information and support it provides. After about two weeks of exercising every day, I have become somewhat obsessed with getting on my treadmill. I even elect to hop on when I have planned a day off. Let me tell you, I FEEL so much better. I honestly have more energy, feel stronger and am excited about my future. Normally I would say "nevermind" if something I wanted was upstairs because I just didn't feel like putting in the effort. Now I am offering to go grab things for family members. I would love to be your friend on here so that we can offer one another support! Either way, best of luck! You CAN do it! You WILL do it!

  • vcmorse
    vcmorse Posts: 18
    omg i do the same thing with the stairs.. lol.. IM so excited to become obsessed! i think it will make this more enjoyable.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    You've come to the right place!
    Best wishes to you and your new life!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    You can do this and we're here to help. You've started at the right place, now go through all your groceries and throw away all the junk food. Add me if you'd like. :flowerforyou:
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    You can do it! :) I am so happy that I have MFP every day to check into and all the support I've received here has been awesome. I have just under 200 pounds to lose, so I totally know what it's like to be in this for the long haul. But we will succeed!!
  • gina205
    gina205 Posts: 74 Member
    You can do this. Set small goals for yourself and keep reminding yourself of all the things you just shared with us. Believe it and you can accomplish it!
  • vcmorse
    vcmorse Posts: 18
    you guys are all so great! i am so excited!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Welcome to the site! Just take it one day at a time and stay focused on your goals. And don't worry about what others at the gym think. You are they for the same reason they are!
  • Take it one day at a time. Don't look at the big number, find small little goals to reach. Otherwise it gets a bit too overwhelming. I have kept off 95 pounds for the past 12 years. It is a great feeling but when I started I didn't think about the large number but more about how exercising and eating better made me feel. It helped me to start with my eating and getting comfortable with that area before tackling exercise. Just an idea. You CAN do this and you have a lot of support on MFP. :bigsmile:
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I am kinda nervous , because i mean, im going to be this big fat M&M lookin thing walking in a gym of beautiful people who all seem to know what there doing...

    The keyword is "seem"! :laugh: I've been working out for years and I still mess up from time to time. If we all "knew it all", we wouldn't need personal trainers! I've done it all - drop weights accidentally, fall off the ball during class, etc etc, lol. Stick with it and ignore the rest. There's ALWAYS going to be that gorgeous girl in the corner just eyeing down the men and laughing at the women. Ignore her! :tongue:
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    You've come to the right place. I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Welcome, You can do this. Dont worry about what the other people at the gym think. Alot of them were just like you when they started, you have to start somewhere. Just concentrate on 10lb at a time it makes it easier and not so overwhelming. I do the same thing with saying I am going to work out and then put it off, but I have started making an appt for workouts and putting it on the calendar , if I treat it like an appt I am more likely to do it.
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254

    I totally feel you on the feeling of walking in the gym and you feel like everybody quietly laughs at you. So to start, I walked. Got up every morning for 6 days straight (Monday - Saturday) and walked. I would leave my place and walk to a point, turn around and come back. Then I started jogging back from my turn around point. I gradually worked into running the entire distance and then chose a different route. (I started walking the first of December). To add another obstacle to all of this, I was working on quitting smoking. After I jogged back the first time I stopped smoking. Currently I can do an easy 3 mile jog in the morning before I start my day.

    Along with this little plan of mine, myfitnesspal and another FREE site assisted me with nutrition issues. So before I set foot in the YMCA (that I got a membership for in November) I had gotten up to 6 days a week running a mile or 2 in the am to start my metabolism and my day.

    In January I finally started going to the YMCA. I changed my morning routine a little but I still stick to at least 2 different workouts a day......cardio and resistance. I have been big and strong and I don't need to get any stronger so I do stuff you stay toned and shred fat.

    At any rate to save time, this was my workout. I didn't do all of this to start, just what I could do each day.


    5:00 AM

    Brisk Walk - 3-5 minutes.

    Jog 3 miles (goal 6 miles). Walk to slow down heart rate 3-5 minutes and stretch.

    Eat breakfast.

    AFTERNOON (Evening)


    - side to sides
    - torso swivels
    - jumping around on toes to limber up
    (15 minutes in total)

    Stretch - 5 minutes.

    Jump rope - 3 minutes. (If you don't have a jump rope, fake it.)
    Push-ups (25)
    Crunches (25)
    Oblique sit-ups (25)

    5 minute break.

    (Repeat 3 Times)
  • vcmorse
    vcmorse Posts: 18
    thanks for all your motivation and support im really excited!
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member

    Just change to [IMG]. Btw. You're GORGEOUS! :smile:[/img]4453168_9733.jpg
  • ondjima
    ondjima Posts: 27 Member
    You can do it!!!
  • vcmorse
    vcmorse Posts: 18
    ThAnks :) I was just really wanted the first before pic up . I'm so excited for the after!!! I find looking at other peoples really inspirational and motivating
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