upset I don't see bigger results

so I have been doing this for 2 1/2 weeks now and am exceeding my exercise goal of 45min 4x a week (doing 5) and for the most part sticking to my 1200 calorie goal. I don't feel like I am showing the results I should. When I weighed myself last week I was 4.5lbs down (awesome just what I should be losing) but today I tested again and I was up 2lbs! I am used to doing the low carb thing which shows results on the scale quickly and bigger amounts so now I am feeling discouraged. I am having a down day and am concerned I let a scale number bring me down. I know I just started but it is hard to see that when I feel I have so far to go and wonder if I'm ever going to get there. Frustrated!


  • brionics
    brionics Posts: 4 Member
    If you are working out that much you are probably putting on muscle AND burning some fat. Are you measuring? That might be where you see the most improvement. Try that and see if you see results. Just thinking out loud. My wife has the same problem as you.
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    Feel this way should keep up with your measurments.....I've lost more inches than I have pounds on the scale.
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    If you're a veteran of low carb diets, you know that eventually you hit a plateau and it usually comes around the 3rd week. I've been gaining and losing the same pound for about 2 weeks now after a 12 pound loss in the first 2 weeks. It sucks! A lot! But that's where the scale gets you. You don't SEE results, but it doesn't mean your body isn't changing. Have you taken measurements? Or tried on some clothes that didn't fit before? And you know, being a woman, we all have that time of the month when no matter how great we're doing, that scale is going to be MEAN to us! Keep at it, you will get to your goal! :)
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Your body might be retaining water or you might be losing inches. Maybe you can weigh yourself every couple weeks, so you don't feel so discourage.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    this kind of thing takes a lot of time, dont expect quick weight loss. the most efficient weight loss is most likely going to be slow weight loss, whatever you do dont give up.

    i lost 57lbs in 8 months time. i didnt go on a ''diet'' i just watched my portions and counted calories.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    so I have been doing this for 2 1/2 weeks now and am exceeding my exercise goal of 45min 4x a week (doing 5) and for the most part sticking to my 1200 calorie goal. I don't feel like I am showing the results I should. When I weighed myself last week I was 4.5lbs down (awesome just what I should be losing) but today I tested again and I was up 2lbs! I am used to doing the low carb thing which shows results on the scale quickly and bigger amounts so now I am feeling discouraged. I am having a down day and am concerned I let a scale number bring me down. I know I just started but it is hard to see that when I feel I have so far to go and wonder if I'm ever going to get there. Frustrated!

    first you should know, low carb has an initial phase of high weight loss because of the loss of water. You lose anywhere from 5 to 20 lbs of water in the first few weeks of low carb because when the body moves away from a carbohydrate metabolism to a ketone metabolism, the body no longer stores large amounts of glycogen, which is held in a water solution, which means you don't need that water any more so you lose a lot of it. So that's what you're losing initially in low carb, a high percentage of water.
    Second, fluctuation is part of weight loss. The human body can fluctuate daily up to 5 lbs (again because of water and waste). Don't sweat the fluctuation, just keep at it. You're doing fine.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Ive been told by many 1200 cals is not enough, so if your body isnt getting enough its just going to start storing fat. Which is not what u want. 2.5 lbs a week is a realistic weight loss. The first few weeks can be easy to lose pounds because its mostly water retension, stick to it, dont let the numbers get to you, maybe try going 3 weeks before even looking at the scale.. by than you may be super happy with the loss and ready to work even harder!
  • silver14200
    It sounds like you are right on track at 4.5 lbs down. But, sometimes the scale jumps around a little during the first couple of weeks. I know that happens to me. The other thing that might play a factor is if you are working out and then not eating the additional calories, or at least part of them. It's important to make sure you are keeping you body fed or it will hang onto the weight.
  • chrish1981
    Keep at it!

    You'll have some weeks where it's great loss, and others where the scale doesn't budge.

    Just keep doing what you're doing....think about where the alternative got ya! You can do it!!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I'm having the same problem--I feel as though I should have more to show for my efforts than I do. I posted that on Friday and got a TON of support from everyone here (and alot of 'quit your whining', lol). Apparently it's just a part of the process?
  • sh3lby03
    sh3lby03 Posts: 193 Member
    So I lost 4 pounds my first week then gained a pound my second week. It can be so many factors...sodium making you retain water, hormones, etc. I started getting discouraged but then I reset my thinking. I need to focus on doing this as a lifestyle change, to better myself physically and emotionally. The slower you get there, the longer you keep it off!!!
  • jules_lives_outloud
    women are notorious at retaining water. A woman's weight does shift. Someone else said something about building muscle underneath. Stay with it, you have only been at it for two and half weeks. I am only down five pounds in two months and that's working out intensely with a trainer. She tells me when I stress about it, it makes it worse. And last week I was up and that was from water retention. It's a marathon and not a sprint. Instead of focusing on what you don't see focus on what you do! Feeling better, pants not as tight, and so forth! When I don't see the results on the scale, I do my measurements and that always picks me up. I may have only lost five pounds in 2 months, but I am also almost 10 inches overall, smaller than I was before I started.
  • Lydbell
    Lydbell Posts: 28
    Thanks all you are right! I know it in my head but sometimes it gets the better of your emotions. I appreciate all the support! I haven't done the measure myself yet so maybe that will be my next step.:happy:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Just remember, I you didn't gain all that weight quickly. It's not going to come off quickly. 4.5 lbs in two weeks is awesome.
  • Kamila02
    Kamila02 Posts: 54 Member
    Week to week frustrations can be hard to come to grips with. KEEP GOING! After you reach your 30+ lbs of weight loss, you'll not even remember or CARE about week two. It's not fast, and it's GOOD that way. Work for next week, eat well, exercise! You're doing great!