College kid

I'm new! So far I love the site. My main problem is my lack of support in my life. I have always struggled with weight issues, but all of my friends, school mates and co-workers have never had that problem. They are all skinny college kids that can eat whatever they want and wouldn't be caught dead in a gym. This makes it very hard to stay on track what with all the weekends of beer and pizza always looming on the horizon. Is anyone else in a similar situation? Feel free to friend me so we can help each other!


  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    I feel like i wrote your post...hahah. Gonna add ya :)
  • leahgetsskinny
    I feel the exact same way! It's so hard to feel positive when everyone around me in college doesn't share my issues with weight.
    I'll add you! :)
  • AshleyBH21
    My first year of college was hard to. My friends were older and would go out and by drinks then come back on campus and drink. They would invite me over to hang out but I wouldn't drink. They knew I wasn't into drinking so they wouldn't pressure me. During high school I was the girl who could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight but then when I got to college, it was different. I was skinny but not anorexic, I was in sports so I had muscle and needed to eat more than my friends who were not. Late nights hanging out with friends ordering pizza and watching tv and movies while they drank got to me, and not to mention the bad cafeteria food. I was lazy and never worked out. I gained 10 pounds while in college.I joined dance team my first year and right before a show, I sprained my ankle pretty badly. The next year, I moved back home and started at a new, larger college that required a lot of walking. I joined cheerleading but it still wasn't enough. I recently moved, dropped out of college and got married but I'm still dealing with my weight. My husband think I am perfect as I am but I'm not happy with how I look. I know the troubles you face at college. You can add me if you like.
  • reemg
    reemg Posts: 7
    I feel like i wrote your post...hahah. Gonna add ya :)

    totally totally agree!
  • ambermabee
    I so feel your pain! Especially living hours away from all of my family and many of my friends. I have made a few here, mostly school friends, but I agree - it makes it so hard! Sent you a FR as well. :)
  • Metalhead187
    I can definitely relate to this because I have struggled with weight issues as well.
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    Definitely can relate and I will be attending college next year.
    I have those friends that seem to be able to eat whatever also.

    Sent you a FR. :happy:
  • Outlast717
    I feel the same way! I'm in college and everyone around me can eat whatever they want whenever they want. None of them have any problems with it! I don't understand it! I was always overweight in high school, and I tried dieting several times but I never stuck with it for more than a few weeks. Since I started college 2 and 1/2 years ago I've gained about 20 pounds. I'm tired of gaining! I want to be loosing!

    I think the hardest part is that when you're in college you're up for so many hours. You want to eat something when you get up to wake you up, then you need to eat throughout the day to stay awake. Then there are those late nights of homework or fun that you always end up wanting to eat during! I'm really struggling with sticking to my diet. Add me as a friend if you'd like. Maybe we can help each other out!
  • Endeavors
    Endeavors Posts: 21 Member
    Exact same problem! All my friends are sooo skinny and of course it's party, party, party since we're in college. It's always a challenge to pass up the breads and dips and pizza. Gah.

    Feel free to add me! And anyone else can, for that matter.
  • 21by21
    21by21 Posts: 12
    Good to know I'm not alone here. I'm a sophomore and didn't gain the supposed "freshman fifteen." Granted, that could have been because I had mono for the first two months of school. This past year, I have gained a lot of weight and really am trying to learn how to lose it and then manage it. I am taking 15 hours this semester, which isn't a ton, but I also work 24 hours a week. Finding time to work out and eat healthy is really hard for me.


    Feel free to add me! I need all the help I can get!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Junior in College. Feel free to add me.
  • jimmydeanbakker

    They will start to gain weight soon. You're ahead of the game.
  • ahmedlogic
    ahmedlogic Posts: 29 Member
    I definitely know where you're coming from. I am just starting to adjust as a sophomore in college.

    Feel free to add me as well
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    Def same boat! Im transferring to a university away from home come august! I'll add ya!