Bi-pass and gained 1/2 back!

Greetings! I'm one of those people that the magic bullet surgery (8 years ago) but soon went back to my old eating habits and regained about 1/2 of the weight I lost. Really, Jen??!!
After 5 months of serious soul searching I realized that I have been using food to self-medicate my feelings. So I joined OA and that's amazing. Now I need a good food plan, exercise and a reality check to get healthy. So, yes, in the end, diet and exercise are really the only thing that assures a healthy body. Oh and plenty of self examination.
As I look at my thoughts and feeling about food and body image, the nuts and bolts of weight loss are right here on this website. My daughter has been using it and she looks amazing. Plus, she always knows exactly what her body needs, from protein amounts to water consumption.
On my profile I mention that I would like to go to India through World Vision and volunteer. I realized that to really be of help, I need to be healthy enough to do physcial work and have the stamina to live in a 3rd world country for long periods of time. I can not imagine trying to do it at my current weight. So that's a huge motivation for me. I also want to get back into a size 2 and be healthy for all the kids in my life, who constantly want me to hold them, chase them and play with them.
Nice to meet you all!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Nice to meet you, too ! I wish all the best in your journey so that you can go to INdia and be the best you can be.
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    Me, too! Been with MFP for 3 months, though, and only 15-20 pounds to go to get back to my post-surgery low. And the best way, this time, with proper nutrition and exercise. Good luck! :wink:
  • dlowe11
    Me too! i've only been here a few weeks but I'm trying to get the 80lbs back off that I had originally lost. I'm 5 years after surgery now. This site is great so far and it helps to be accountable!
  • savvynurse
    Hi Jen. I too had the "magic surgery" about 8 years ago as well. I had the gastric by pass surgery and lost pretty darn near 100 lbs. I went from 260 to 160 in about a year. Since then i have put back on about half as well. So Im thinking to my self " Why did you have the surgery?" I too am like you in the fact that I am 40 and my oldest daughter is about to fly the coop. That is going to leave me with my youngest (11yr old). My how time flies.
    Anyway.... long story short... I found this site about 2-3 weeks ago. I had already started with the Biggest Loser at work and I started at 196 during last weeks weigh in I was 187. I plan on keeping this up till I get back around 160. Even though its not a size 2 its a healthy weight for me. Once I get there I will decide if thats where I want to be or if I need to get down to my recommended weight (130something). If you want someone to chat/vent/compare notes feel free to add me.
    Good luck!! To both of us
  • angelabf
    Welcome! Hope you enjoy the site!
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    I am another one who had bi-pass and am struggling with weight gain. I started at 297 and was 143 at my lowest. Now 7 years and 1 baby later I have climed up to 179. Found this site a month ago and have lost 8 pounds. You definitely aren't alone. It is a constant struggle to not fall in to my bad habits. I did find the 5 day pouch test to get me back on track. It brought me back to remembering what it was like as a new post-op. I highly recommend checking it out. Best of luck and remember you aren't alone.
  • fattyacids
  • HeathyHabitGirl
    Nice to meet you - I too agree that self-examination is oh so powerful !