Urge to Snack: Help Please

I am very full and have no reason to eat - however, I am working at my computer (writing) and am struggling with the urge to snack while working. I have drank so much water, I am water logged, and I bit the inside of my cheek while chewing gum. Any other suggestions?


  • krishkake
    If you do feel the urge to snack, try to pick up something really lowcal. I usually eat an orange or a few carrots. Otherwise, water and gum usually do it for me :P
  • Hannibal_32
    This is something I also struggle with.. I keep a bag of Fuji apples, some 40 cal "cuties", or clementine oranges, and bananas. These usually do the trick.. The trick is convincing our brains that our bodies do not NEED more food at the moment. I think we are just used to eating when we are bored..

    I've had a few M&M nights that added a ton of calories to my day, but then I wash it down with some self-loathing and try to forget my transgression on the following day. SO, it's never worth it.
  • imbwy420
    I usually just picture myself at my goal weight, and think about how much better I'm going to feel at that point. It's completely worth giving up the snack - the craving is so much stronger! :) Good luck!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    In the beginning when I was experiencing this I grabbed something crunchy like a celery stick or some baby carrots.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    They say to wait 15 mins when you are feeling hungry and more then likely it will go away but if it doesnt, suck on a hard piece of candy or a low cal. snack. Good Luck!!
  • doutri2
    doutri2 Posts: 186 Member
    Sounds like you associate "work" with needless nibbling/ munching on food. Don't worry, you're not the first or the last. There was actually a study on it that came out last year. It's why I liked to chew on gummy bears while grading final exam papers.

    With that said, now that you know why you might feel this way, you can control it. Maybe try a flavored water instead so you feel like you are attacking a hunger sensation or sip on hot tea.

    Maybe see if they make sugar-free gummy treats and limit yourself to one serving only. Tell yourself that you need to ration them during your work time b/c you are not going to give yourself anymore even if they run out before you are done working. "Too bad, so sad." It's all a mind game. Good Luck.