Bodybugg vs. Polar FT7 -- advice needed

I want to get a new HRM (I currently use the watch style that I have to keep pushing the button to track my HR). I hear the Bodybugg is quite accurate, but have also heard good things about Polar.

Here's my main question about Bodybugg.......My only form of exercise right now is walking, outside, even when it's 25 degrees and windy (I'm warm natured so I love it!) The thing is, I have a lot of "flab" on my upper arm where it is supposed to be worn and the "flab" stays cool when I walk -- even when I'm hot and sweaty everywhere else, my upper arms are cool to the touch.
*** How does the Bodybugg measure body heat and muscle signals when I'm using my leg muscles for the exercise and my arms stay cold????? ***



  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    excellent question. I can't wait to find out. I thought and thought hard about getting a body bugg, but just did not want to pay for it, then hubs got me a polar FT4 for Christmas with a chest strap, and I really really like it.
  • Gretsie
    Bodybugg does not measure heart rate, only calories expended, so if you want something that measures heart rate as well, go with the Polar FT7. Also a word of warning on the bodybugg, if you re allergic to nickel, don't get it. The back is made of nickel even though it looks like stainless. I had mine for about two weeks and had more migrains in those two weeks than I'd had in the last 30 years. As soon as I stopped using the Bodybugg they went away. Doc diagnosed it as nickel allergy. As for wearing it on your leg, the Bodybugg people said don't do it. It won't measure correctly.
  • leweverling
    I've owned a couple versions of the Polar HRM's I really liked them, I've considered the bodybugg but they charge for their community and polar has a free one to keep track. I'm just not a fan of those companies that nickel and dime users to no end.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I had/have flabby upper arms (they are getting much better, but still flabby - they used to be 16 inches). I had never considered this before, but I have never noticed a problem. Also, I have to assume it's made for this, so I guess I wouldn't worry about it.

    I also have a nickle allergy - I break out in a rash from the metal on my blue jean buttons and some jewlery. The BB does sometimes cause irritation to me. When it does, I move it to a new place (either higher or lower or just to the left/right of the irritated spot). It's usually not a problem, however, at this moment, it's irritating me and I might quit wearing it for a few days - but not yet. I'll suffer at the moment since I've been in a bit of a slump lately, and need to know where I'm at for sure (or as close to sure as I can get). If you have a nickel allergy, you may want to consider what affect it has on you - but for me, it's worth it. The monthly fee does suck, but again, it's helped me a lot, so it's worth it.

    If you do buy one and have large arms, you will probably want to also order an extra large arm strap. I think it comes with a medium, which was way too small for my arms. I didn't switch to the medium band until November (11 months into this) - that was a great NSV!!
  • raising2ells
    raising2ells Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! Didn't know the Bodybugg was backed in nickel - Yikes!!!! I'm very sensitive to nickel, so I'll probably go w/the Polar. I also didn't know you had to pay a monthly fee to "use" Bodybugg's software.
    Thanks again for the advice!