Any mothers of twins out there who still manage to get in a

I'm a mother of 5 kids which includes one set of fraternal twins (age 5) and one set of identical twins (age 2). I'm having a hard time finding the time to work out. Any of you out there have twins and still managing to get in a workout? I could really use some suggestions...


  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    I can definitely relate! I've got 2 sets of fraternal twins, with a singleton smack dab in the middle. My youngest are older than yours (4) so it's a little easier for me to find time while they're distraced with something. I usually workout at night after dinner while my husband gets the kids ready for bed. I don't know if you work outside the home, but if not I'd try getting a workout in during naptime. Or, come up things you can do with the kids - walks and swimming are great workouts and you can involve the kids too. It's a challenge - but just rememer, you're a priority too and just have to work out a schedule that gives you the time you neeed.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I have 2 year old twin boys.

    I workout whenever I have the chance. Usually during a mid-afternoon nap, or some nights i have to wait until the kids are in bed. It's not a great time because i'm exhausted, but what has to be done, has to be done.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Yes... I have children and I work out 4 times a week usually. I also am a single parent that has a full time job. I usually prepare dinner the night before, crock-pot it in the morning (or re-heat) than hit the gym around 6:30.

    There are lots of ways to do it.
  • sandeeface518
    sandeeface518 Posts: 41 Member
    I have fraternal twins about to turn 3...(whaaaat?) And when they are in preschool I have time to either get to the gym or workout at home. Other days, its not so easy and I have no me time. So I use them as a workout! Chase them around the backyard, I even include them in some workouts so they can learn how to stay active at an early age.
  • SoldierWife99
    My twins are now 13, but that doesn't make it any easier. I hate to scare you, but, they still require a lot of attention, even at this age! :laugh: Anyway, I work out when they are busy doing something else, or at school. When they were little, they would ride their trikes up and down the street while I walked with them, or we would swim. Be active with them, or wait till naptime, or even bed time. Or, get up before they do in the morning and work out, then at naptime you can nap too! :happy:
    You can do this, it just takes some extra figuring out.