how do you keep yourself motivated?

bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I am sure many members would like to know your trick to stay motivated.

Mine is this website and the thought of me wearing a bathing suit this summer.


  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    For me, I think my biggest motivation is trying on my clothes! When I feel them getting loose it makes me want to keep going!

    However, there are lots of little things that motivate me too... Stepping on the scales and seeing a loss, the great comments you receive from people you haven't seen in a while, my boyfriend telling me I look gorgeous and seeing recent pictures that don't make me want to cringe!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    1) This website keeps me focus. When I'm answering post I'm also speaking to myself making sure I keep myself in check.

    2) My husband and I are battling. He is in Japan trying to get back to 185 and I'm trying to get to 180. All by mid July! I plan on beating him lol

    3) Just the fact that I will continue to be healthy and have loads of energy.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Haha sad to say, but my hatred over my ex has kept me motivated.....hopefully one day bumping into him again looking, hot, healthy, and gorgeous will make it all worth, anger is not the best motivator, but it's helped a LOT so far lol.
  • Samana06
    Samana06 Posts: 107
    Mine is this website and all the awesome people on here (You guys rock!!)

    Also I have the 2 piece I want to fit into again hanging in the kitchen ... and a pair of jeans I would LOVE to wear hanging in the bathroom
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    With my new weight loss, I have decided to become a health coach, this motivates me to continue to be successful at weight loss right along with my clients.
  • Samana06
    Samana06 Posts: 107
    Haha sad to say, but my hatred over my ex has kept me motivated.....hopefully one day bumping into him again looking, hot, healthy, and gorgeous will make it all worth, anger is not the best motivator, but it's helped a LOT so far lol.

    WOW!!! That spawned my first weight loss! And since he's the father of my children there's no way he could avoid seeing me! But make sure you find something for when that anger wears off ... That's why I'm here ... found happiness, as well as 40 of the 90 lbs I had lost!
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    I look at men 10 years older than me and ask -- is that what I want to look like?
  • I pray alot. This website is a big part of my motivation. My results so far is a huge motivator.
  • mountainwoman98
    mountainwoman98 Posts: 182 Member
    My motivation comes from the fact that I still have 2 boys under the age of 12 at home and I like to be active with them and the fact that my sister is battling invasive breast cancer for the third time and I am going to do the Susan G. Komen 3-day for her in August. I also had a checkup a month ago that was a wake up call to get healthier.
  • ballgood
    ballgood Posts: 17 Member
    Not feeling motivated at all at the moment. I don't want to update my weight, because I gained?
    Been sticking to calories and excercising loads...feeling sad about it too.

    I'm new on here and been going for only two weeks.
    Reading your posts has helped me today, because all I want to do is dive into a stack of chocolate!
  • My motivation is the scales telling me I have not lost any weight makes me push harder.

    Thinking about summer and sun bathing with a nice body

    Remembering how heavy my mum became and and thinking if I carry on the way I am I will end up like that.
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    This website! Plus seeing all of the success stories posted on here.
    I :heart: you all!
  • Charrisse
    Charrisse Posts: 163
    My Motivations:
    1) vacation - we are traveling more now that the kids are bigger,
    2) health - I just want to FEEL better, at my heaviest I hit 190! Feeling horrid. I lost 30 before finding this site, and have 10 - 15 to go.
    3) scale - I weigh several times a day
    4) my size 8 jeans - they fit now! Size 6 is my goal.
    5) my husbands praise
    6) spin and weight lifting class
    7) general vanity! I want to look good dangit!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    to look HOT when my age is
  • -Looking good- new SMALLER clothes, "No food will ever taste as good as looking good feels"
    -Being healthy!!!
    -Being a role model
    -Being happy
    -Not covering up in the summer or making excuses not to go to the beach or out with friends
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I come from a family of big men. I odn't want to continue that trend.
  • Looking in the mirror!

    The thought of some new clothes is nice too and getting into a swimsuit and going swimming with the children without fear of embarassment
  • tdpassley
    tdpassley Posts: 13 Member
    This website is a big motivator (so glad I found it!!), trying on my clothes that fit looser is so nice, love feeling better about myself, and most of all wanting to look good this summer in my bathing suit. I am going to rock that bathing suit this summer at the beach. LOL
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    Past results . I look at my old pictures and i'm like Holy **** did i really come this far. If i could drop down so much i can drop down more :) . MY Final reward when i reach my dream goal. My size small clothes .and The MIRROR !
  • Haha sad to say, but my hatred over my ex has kept me motivated.....hopefully one day bumping into him again looking, hot, healthy, and gorgeous will make it all worth, anger is not the best motivator, but it's helped a LOT so far lol.

    THAT IS MY MOTIVATION TOO! plus I stick a picture of my behind to the TV, so while I am lazing around I look at my butt and feel guilty for sitting around and not working out. As long I work out everyday, that gives me motivation to not eat badly...
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