I ate 1325 over my limit yesterday - need some motivation. )

I don't know what got into me yesterday, but I snacked all day at work, and then had a cup of ice cream at dinner and a carb-binge late at night. Now I'm waking up feeling bloated and gross, and regretting my decision. It's going to take extra exercise all week to make up for that silly mistake!

It's really hard for me to get back on the wagon after I make a mistake. What helps you re-lace your shoes and keep on trekking towards your goal after you've had a slip up? Really needing some motivation. Thank you. (:


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Today is a new day. So you messed up yesterday. So what? You probably didn't go over your maintenance goal, and even if you did, that amount one day isn't going to cause you to gain weight, as long as it just happens one day. So yesterday you let go and enjoyed the things you wanted, and today you can get back on the horse.

    Think of it like vacation days from work. Or a "mental health" day. Every now and then you need a break from your job, just to recharge a bit. But then you go back to work and make the money you need to live. Think of food the same way. Once in a while it's ok to take a day off from paying attention all the time, but then you need to go back to eating right so you can be healthy, live longer, and be happier with yourself. Don't let one "mental health day" turn into a whole week of playing hooky -- your boss would fire you for that.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I just saw on someones page "Focus on Results not Regrets" So learn from your yesterday and go forward toward your goal. That's the only thing you can do today. Don't snack on high calorie crap and eat healthier today. Best of luck
  • jfgstrack1
    Well, I did the same thing Saturday night and I feel your pain! Yesterday I got back on track and have vowed to stay on track, AGAIN!!! I keep on "falling" and it's good to know others do also. Let's just keep in mind that everyday day is a new beginning and try to focus on that day. Maybe, we can make more good days, then if we fail once in a while it won't matter! Good luck for today!
  • rrjs
    rrjs Posts: 46
    Thank you so much!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    The only people who don't make any mistakes are the ones who aren't doing anything!!

    This is a lifelong process for you now, with no end date. You are 'allowed' (and must) forgive yourself and move forward again.

    It's not the falling down that says who we are it's the getting back up!!

    Come on and lace up them sneaks and get crackin'.:flowerforyou:

  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Try focusing on what your health goals are in the first place and WHY you want them. Focusing on this should get you back on track. If that doesn't work, make a collage with pictures of things that motivate you or write your goals on post it notes and stick them on your fridge, desk, computer, bathroom mirror, steering wheel, etc. Good luck!

    One day isn't going to ruin you but really try to figure out WHY you binged yesterday and then focus on your goals!

    Good luck!
  • salmonpi
    Remember how bad your body feels right now. That should help keep you from doing it again.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I don't know what got into me yesterday, but I snacked all day at work, and then had a cup of ice cream at dinner and a carb-binge late at night. Now I'm waking up feeling bloated and gross, and regretting my decision. It's going to take extra exercise all week to make up for that silly mistake!

    It's really hard for me to get back on the wagon after I make a mistake. What helps you re-lace your shoes and keep on trekking towards your goal after you've had a slip up? Really needing some motivation. Thank you. (:

    We had no power Saturday and I got upset. What did I do. Bought a bag of Sweet & Sour Lifesaver Gummies. No fat but 650 calories and 135g of sugar. I ate the whole back with a Spiced Pumpkin Latte (more sugar!) that evening. One thing I did learn - I now know what kicks in my Fibromyalgia pain. I bloated up some which caused a scale change but I'm not sweating it - maybe I did sweat it - I spent 80 minutes on the treadmill Sunday. One day will not hurt. Drink plenty of water the next day to help get rid of the gross feeling. Exercise helped to get the air inside moving (I know - gross. :smile: ). Can't go back and change it so just move on. :wink:
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    Focus on today. You can do this.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    committ and you will succeed.
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    I just started this...so of course I'm going to be over until I find that happy balance. I just have been keeping my eye on the prize...my dream wedding dress when I renew my vows next year! Give urself some mini goals and reward urself...u will have many prizes to keep ur eyes on!
  • kklittle
    kklittle Posts: 14 Member
    Use this as a learning experience! Just remember the bad feelings you have after losing control, and next time you have that temptation, take a second and really remember how you feel and ask yourself if it is worth it to give in. Sometimes it is, but at least you will feel that you have made a concious decision with the consequences in mind, and that can make you feel a litte more empowered and easier to have that control. Just my thoughts.
  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 124 Member
    HEY! Don't be so hard on yourself! Yes you should hold yourself accountable, but know that one day of habits that are out of alignment with your goals aren't the end of your journey to your goal!!! One day isn't going to be the determining factor - it's more the trend data over time that leads to success! Think of it as a lifestyle change - instead of a diet.

    And remember, only when we "fail" can we truely learn to succeed. Embrace the bumps in the road, because they help you reach your end goal - it's all a learning process!

    When Banjamin Franklin invented the lightbulb, he screwed it up time and time again before he got it right. But he is famous for saying "I didn't fail, I just found 100 ways that didn't work" This is a prime example that we should somewhat embrace our failure, and realize that it is essential on our journey to success. It teaches us what not to do, and strengthens our convictions in the end goal.

    Keep it up - and stay positive!
  • slummymummy
    slummymummy Posts: 42 Member
    I agree with everyone else! Write yesterday off as a one-off reminder as to why you started this journey and get back on the diet horse! 1 day is not going to make a lot of difference so better to start a fresh and put yesterday behind you.

    Do you ever have a treat day? You may like to think about having 1 day a week where you allow yourself a few extra calories (set a limit and don't run away with yourself!) and use them for a favourite snack or meal. If you're really serious that you don't want to go over again, why not have a non-food treat? Say, if you've not been over your calorie limit for 2 weeks, treat yourself to a new lippy or a mini-facial! I'd rather have a facial than a Mars bar!

    The important thing is that you don't give up - remember this bloated yucky feeling and think of it as your body telling you you didn't need everything you put into it yesterday.

    Chin up and carry on - it'll be worth all the willpower in the end. :flowerforyou:
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I took an "on-purpose" off meal Saturday, because I was really craving some junky food. Afterwards it didn't make me feel good. I concentrated on how it felt to have the junk in my body, how I was mildly nauseated, a little crampy, bloated, and lacked any energy. Then I fixed that in my mind as how that food made me feel. Yesterday and today (and probably for the rest of the week) I won't have any cravings for greasy foods, because I associate them with those yucky feelings. You can do the same with your binge. Really concentrate on your body and make lots of connections between your behaviors and those body feelings, not your guilt or regret, but the actual way it makes your body feel. You will find yourself much less tempted once you have associated those foods with feeling physically ill, not just with feeling guilt.
    It's a new day, and there are plenty of good foods to nourish and rebuild your body with. Don't even think about doing extra exercise or cutting calories drastically. If you do that, you start feeling resentful and like you're owed something for how hard you are working, and the behavior starts to cycle. Changing your lifestyle is not just about the foods you eat or the maintenance you perform on your body, it is also about changing your thought patterns that got you into this mess in the first place. Develop healthy thinking and the healthy body will happen. It starts with not obsessing on what a bad person you are, or what a failure, or how you just knew this would happen. Instead, just chalk it up to a learning experience and continue today like it didn't happen. Instead, reward yourself for learning how nasty junk makes you feel with extra fruits and veggies, made just the way you like them (for me that would be a fruit smoothie and freshly roasted root vegetables.)
    Best wishes to you.
  • phyllisjean58
    it's never gonna be a perfect day. not in healthy eating changes or in life. Put it behind you. stop beating yourself up over it. Just say" Today is gonna be a better day" Good Luck
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    No negative self talk. NONE. You already feel bad. Beating yourself up will only lead to another binge.

    It's in the past. Do not allow your past to dictate how you feel in this moment. Leave the past in the past. Learn from it, but DO NOT let the past ruin your present.

    If you suffer from binge eating/food addiction, the book Women Food and God by Geneen Roth may help you. I read it in January 2010 and have binged ONCE since:


  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    why did you do it? you need to focus on your goals, not the next junk thats going into your mouth!...FOCUS!!
  • flossicle
    I never count anything on Saturdays ... so i suppose i have a slip up day every week? I'm really strict during the week and i feel i deserve to have treats 1 day a week, i don't go over board, but if my partner fancies pizza for dinner or we want to go out i refuse to let my diet get in the way, you have to live as well.. and a think a little bit of what you like does you good, keeps you smiling! I can't wait to go for my Mac Donalds breakfast saturday morning, and knowing this helps keep me motivated during the rest of the week! I think i might also have a latte and a cake Saturday too when i meet my friends for coffee.. sod it, life is too short to deny yourself all the time! :smile:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I don't know what got into me yesterday, but I snacked all day at work, and then had a cup of ice cream at dinner and a carb-binge late at night. Now I'm waking up feeling bloated and gross, and regretting my decision. It's going to take extra exercise all week to make up for that silly mistake!

    It's really hard for me to get back on the wagon after I make a mistake. What helps you re-lace your shoes and keep on trekking towards your goal after you've had a slip up? Really needing some motivation. Thank you. (:

    You say you ate 1325 calories above your "limit"

    By limit do you mean calorie deficit limit or maintenance calorie limit? Say you are budgeting to lose 2lbs per week. You will be set a calorie target which 1000 calories below maintenance (the amount your body needs to stay the same weight) or thereabouts. If that is the case with you then you only actually over ate by 325 calories for a single day.

    Let's say you do well for the rest of the 6 days and have a 1000 calorie deficit per day for that time. 6 x 1000 = 6,000 calorie deficit. Deduct 325 from that and you still have a whopping deficit of 5,675 calories for the week.

    You've probably set back your progress by a couple of hours in reality. This is NOT permission to become sloppy on your diet though. Get back on the horse immediately and keep riding.

    One thing that does worry me is your word "binge." To me bingeing denotes that food has control over you and not you having control over it. You need to ask yourself why that is and take steps to address that feeling of powerlessness that you feel. One of the best ways of doing that is educating yourself on the basics of nutrition and the whole fat loss process. That will strip the fear away and give you confidence in your body's ability to shed fat just fine if you are consistent (although not perfect like the rest of us ;)