Who eats exercise calories?



  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Just a wee note on eating the exercize cals :wink: If you haven't before then increase them slowly everyday maybe 50 or 100 just to give your body time to adjust to the increase :drinker: or you may show a gain :heart: (it happened to me :grumble: )
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    I generally eat half of them sometimes more if I am hungry. If you are only eating 1200 cals per day I would definitely eat some if not most of them.

    I get frustrated when I plateau and think that if I eat less than I will lose more but that is really not the case. Our bodies get used to what we eat and our exercise and if we always do the same thing we plateau. So if you eat more sometimes and mix up your exercise you keep your body guessing and you'll actually end up losing more weight.

    Sometimes I break the plateau doing a zig-zag diet. Basically, you eat your daily goal calories, etc. for a few days and then on day 3 eat 20% more than your daily goal, day 4 eat 10% less than your daily goal and then go back to you standard daily goal on days 5 through 7 and repeat if needed. This is suppose to trick your body into thinking like you are eating less even though you are eating what you are suppose to.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    You may want to recalculate your caloric needs. Honestly, most people need a minimum of 1200-1500 calories a day to cover basic metabolism function. the problem may not be you not eating your exercise calories, it may be that you're not eating enough period. I personally shoot for 1800 calories a day, this is after i did the math myself using a BMR equation and the Harris Benedict equation. BMR is the basal metabolism rate which the the amount of calories you need to perform everything from breathing to digesting to thinking, that's the minimum amount of calories you need to maintain optimal weight and function if you are completely sedentary. If you're exercising then you need to eat more calories to maintain proper function and weight. the Harris Benedict equation will tell you how many extra calories you should be eating with your activity level, so if you add those together that wil be the amount of calories to eat to maintain your current weight. if you're trying to lose weight then you should take that number and subtract 300-500 calories and no more than that. I hope this helps a little, I'm going to school for exercise science and I actually just finished a course on exercise assessment and how to train and recommend things for people trying to lose weight. here are the equations:


    women: BMR=655 + ( 4.35 * weight in lbs) + (4.7 * height in inches) - (4.7 * age in years)

    men: BMR= 66 + (6.23 * weight in lbs) + (12.7 * height in inches) - (6.8 * age in years)

    Harris Benedict equation

    sedentary (little to no exercise) : calorie - calculation = BMR * 1.2

    lightly active (light exercise/ sports 1-3 days/week) : calorie - calculation = BMR * 1.375

    moderately active (moderate ex/sport 3-5 days/week) : calorie- calculation = BMR * 1.55

    very active (hard ex/sports 6-7 days/week: calorie-calculation= BMR * 1.725

    extra active (very hard ex/sport + physical job or 2x training) : Calorie - calculation= BMR * 1.9
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    i do but so far i've been here a month not budged much on the scales but lost an inch everywhere and looking a bit leaner i have around 45 lbs to lose
  • if im hungry i eat some but not all. Most ive eaten is 100 back and ive been loosing 2lb steadily per week
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Me!! Me!! I eat them!!! I couldn't survive without those extra calories....... I like food too much.
  • damaramj
    damaramj Posts: 4 Member
    I eat them. If you daily intake is 1200, and you burn 600, that means that your body only has 600 calories to live off for that day. The end result is that you're putting your body into starvation mode and it thinks that you are starving, so it holds on to all of the fat in your body for survival. You have to eat what you burn. I found the easiest way to do this, start eating as soon as you wake up especially if you know that you are gonna workout, and if you know about what you are gonna burn. Eating six times a day does work! It keeps your energy going. After that first small meal eat every 2 hours until you get to six and then stop, this allows your body to digest everything and gives you a couple hours before you lay down (depending on your schedule) to naturally burn some calories so you don't lie down on them. Ex. if your first meal is at 8am your last should be 6 bed between 8-9 to insure proper rest-again based on schedule. If you absolutely get hungry after the 6th meal eat a piece of fresh fruit or veg or something very lite.
  • lesleyk26
    lesleyk26 Posts: 14 Member
    HHHmmmm now i have read this and my calorie intake is too only 1200 but half the time im not eating them all but then i can go to the gym and zumba and i work off like 1000 cals but i dont eat them and guess what ive done this for 5 weeks and ive stayed the same but this week im trying to be a little less strict on eating less cals as i wanna see if ive stayed the same cos im not eating enough.
    but i still prob wont eat my cals i work off tho :huh:
  • i burn approx 400 cals when at the gym but i really couldnt eat all of them back, my targets 1290. 3rd week in and im still loosing steadily. Today ive burned, 500ish cals, ive eaten both my lunch & breakfast with snacks and have a filling dinner planned and im still under my goal. I would be forcing myself to eat another 600???
  • I generally eat some of them back but usually I "save" them for a splurge at the end of the week.
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