Japanese Steakhouse/Hibachi

theTX4 Posts: 25
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I know it's a few weeks away, but hubby and I have decided where we want to go for our anniversary on the 15h. There's a local Japanese steakhouse/hibachi that my husband has never been to (I've been once). What can I get that won't throw me off track? Fish is a no-go. I can BARELY stand eating cod - it's too fishy for me.


  • moriah5
    moriah5 Posts: 20
    I ate at one last week for my daughters birthday. I found it hard to find calorie counts but this was my plan and I lost 3 lbs last week. I got steamed rice, not fried and only ate about 1/4 of it. I asked for no noodles but extra veggies and I got chicken for my meat. I made sure I drank a lot of water to help with the sodium and I got a lot of exercise in that day. Hope this helps. Enjoy!
  • jrhm
    jrhm Posts: 47 Member
    They have steak and chicken at most of the hibachi restaurants. I love to go to them, we have one near us that we keep saying we are going to try, but haven't made it yet. Eat small portions and you will be fine. One day won't throw you off the track anyway. Just return to your regular schedule the next day and enjoy your anniversary and your hubby.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    From what I remember, they use alot of oil/butter to cook everything. I do know that it tasted yummy!!!!
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Well, most places will do all veggies for you and ask that they don't use butter on them.

    But I would suggest just enjoy whatever you would like, just watch your portion sizes! It is a special occasion so indulge a little!
  • Is it the kind of place where they cook on the hot table top in front of you? That style usually has lots of veg with smaller meat portions which is what you should be looking for. Or jump on-line and have a look at their menu. Most places post nowadays.

    Cheers and happy anniversary!

  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member

    The problem is, everything they cook is coated in oil. They HAVE to otherwise, it sticks. My recommendation. Be really good leading up to that day, work out a lot. Get a good workout in that day. Go out have fun. Don't worry about it. You are allowed to splurge now and then. Make sure you get a good work out in the next day too.

    If you want to be safe, don't have any alcohol or dessert. Get the chicken with with plain rice (brown if they have it). don't get the fried rice since it just has more oil.

    But really, it's your anniversary, don't worry about it, you won't gain 10lbs because of 1 meal.

    Happy Anniversary,

  • theTX4
    theTX4 Posts: 25
    Thanks for the suggestions. I will have to try the chicken. Or maybe the steak. I'm not too worried about that day in particular throwing me off track, but there's a perfect storm brewing between the SuperBowl, Valentines Day, our anniversary, and going out of town the following weekend. I'm trying to be super diligent and not make extra allowances for one, or I'm afraid I'll be on a slippery slope of allowances.
  • lilbitz82
    lilbitz82 Posts: 7 Member
    My husband and I just went also. I did a lot of exercise before hand and watched my calorie intake all week. Kind of storing up for that night. We always get the combo for two. It comes with salad, soup, veggies, noodles, fried rice, steak, chicken, and shrimp. I ate barely half of my portion and had a mai tai;) I didn't know how many calories were in it but thought I would be safe if I stayed at the half or less portion rule. I did ok but it still came out to over 700 calories. With my working out that day and keeping my day food intake lite I came out even and I am only aloud 1200 cal a day. It was worth the hard work and I was proud of myself for only eating what I needed to to be full. Not eating just because it tasted good.
    Have fun and enjoy! Congrats on your anniversary!:love:
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