Shaklee CInch Diet

Hello Everyone!
I noticed in the food database that there is Shaklee cinch bars, and shakes, I have seen some great success with this, anyone else using this diet, and supplements?


  • doyoumeangreen
    doyoumeangreen Posts: 32 Member
    I am! I love Cinch!
  • imahuthnow
    imahuthnow Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! i just ordered some products... the tea and the cafe latte shake mix... Id love to hear if/how it worked for anyone... I have googled it to death and while I see great reviews I cant really get any specific info...
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    I use the Shaklee Cinch shake and the snack bars if on the go. I don't follow the "plan".
    They also have a 3 in 1 supplement that is also a multivitamin.
    I am a distributor.
  • RasheedaR
    RasheedaR Posts: 38 Member
    I LOVE CINCH! I am doing 2 shakes or meal bars a day and the snack bars in the first month I lost 4 pounds and 2 inches from everywhere. Then for a month wasn't losing anything and I was following the plan and could not figure it out. Well I just found out I am gluten intolerant, cut it out on Monday and have lost 3 pounds this week with Cinch! :D I am so happy its working because I love it and it is sooo easy! I know this summer will be great & I will finally wear shorts!! I am a distributor too so feel free to send me a message if you are interested in the products or business.
  • blondebiker
    blondebiker Posts: 19 Member
    My grandparents and parents are distributors. I don't follow the plan but I do drink the Cinch shake for breakfast. It tastes great and keeps me full until lunch! I also recommend the Cinch tea!