
Almost every day I'm finding my self either going over or getting very close to my protein count. I am a meat eater and love meat, usually like chicken breasts, and with lunch and dinner I have a serving of meat. I also drink fat free milk in the mornings. It is really bad for you to go over your proteins, I thought if you are exercising, it is better to have more protein? Almost everything has protein in it, fruits, peas, and yogurt. Is this something that I need to watch more closely? apotts


  • apotts
    Almost every day I'm finding my self either going over or getting very close to my protein count. I am a meat eater and love meat, usually like chicken breasts, and with lunch and dinner I have a serving of meat. I also drink fat free milk in the mornings. It is really bad for you to go over your proteins, I thought if you are exercising, it is better to have more protein? Almost everything has protein in it, fruits, peas, and yogurt. Is this something that I need to watch more closely? apotts
  • kenkraft
    kenkraft Posts: 38 Member
    Apotts, what is your protein goal? Protein is important in building muscle. When I work out heavily I try to eat 1 gram of protein for every pound I weigh. There are many schools of thought on this, you would do well to research and get several professional opinions. I went on a high protein diet (& fairly high carbs) and worked out heavily (6 days/week) and put on 25 lbs. of muscle when I was 45 (I am male). At the same time I got under 10% body fat. I was training for a cover model contest, so gauge my answer relative to my goal. I know guys who weight 175 and eat 200+ grams of protein/day.

    I do not know whether you're male or female, and this may have a significant bearing on your protein intake. Good luck and let us know what you!

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    You can eat too much, but it takes excessive amounts along with dehydration and a lack of calcium and vit. D to do damage. What's excessive changes depending on your LBM, weight, age, gender, etc., but on MFP you're far from that amount. MFP recommends something like 15%, which is low for an active individual. In my studies, I have seen no evidence for negative side effects at levels up to 1.8g per kg of body weight, and I personally have been eating 30-40% of my calories from protein (a value you'll see in many plans, like the Zone and Body for Life) for years without adverse side effects, but I also do heavy resistance training and take a multivitamin regularly.
  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    At the advice of my trainer, I recently upped the protien in my diet. I've found it keeps me fuller longer. Since I do work out a lot (6x per week), I think it is working in my :laugh: favor.
  • apotts
    My daily goal of proteins is 55. Is that low for a female? I am trying to lose some weight, but my goal is more to lean up, not to bulk up or be a stick. My goal is a toned body. I do some type of cardio workout every day, and I try to get weight training in about 4 days a week. My daily fat count goal is 45, which to me that is high, I usually don't eat that much fat, unless it for some reason is a special occasion or party. So what it sounds like is if I go over my proteins it should be ok? Thanks for you input. ashley
  • MsLadybug
    Have a look at your percentages of carbs, proteins and fats in your goals. I follow the zone formula so I do 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. You can change your percentages under goals.

    Fat isn't bad. Bad fat is bad. If you eat olive oil, avacados, nuts, fish oils and soforth it will not keep you from losing weight.