30 Day Shred and Week 4 of Couch to 5k

debgiles222 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey Everyone!!

I started the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD workout yesterday and am starting week 4 of the couch to 5k plan this week as well. Is anyone doing the same sort of thing? I was just looking at the running plan for week 4 and it's looking difficult for someone that has never been a runner.

Anyone doing the same sort of workout programs or anything that want to team up for encouragement and accountability?

Any tips, suggestions, or recommendations from people that are further into the programs or have done it before?



  • EZGruv
    EZGruv Posts: 215 Member
    I am actually starting Couch to 5K today! Although, I'm starting at the week 3 level. :smile:
  • danyelpink
    danyelpink Posts: 26 Member
    I did C25K... I was never a runner, but I stuck with the program & completed my 1st 5K back in August. You'll be surprised at what your body can do. Stick with it... it works.
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    I just finished week 3 for the second time and am scared of week 4! LOL I work out with my trainer 2x a week, do c25k and do zumba 3x a week...and I am officially scared to do week 4. ....so I'm no help. LOL
  • Booper83
    Booper83 Posts: 70 Member
    There's an intermitant level for someone who has never ran in there life. Starts with run 2 min, walk 1, and so on. Look for that one on line. Good luck! And stick with it and remember to STRETCH! Escpecially if you have never run and make sure you get good shoes with the right support. But, mostly stretch and drink lots of water before you run so you don't cramp. And if you do, eat pickles, that will help or drink a little of the juice if you can stand it. Good luck! I had great success with that and now I can run 4-5 miles without stopping.
  • binasvw
    binasvw Posts: 1 Member
    I was never a runner and I gave my self a goal to do a 5k. I started the couch to 5k plan today (but on week 1) and found an app ( RunKeeper) for my droid where I can set my walking running intervals and off I went on my first day of 5K training. It was hard (since I never really ran) but I did 2.08 miles in 33 min. Not a huge thing, but an accomplishment for me :)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Hello! I'm on Day 4 of the 30 Day Shred! This is my first attempt to get through the whole 30 days...I've have tried two times before and always give up by the third day because my legs kill me but this time thanks to this site and the encouragement I am trudging on. I worked through the pain this time and it was wonderful, I do Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds too, this is my second week doing her walks and I LOVE it, I think those got me prepared for the 30 Day Shred this time!
    I want to do Couch to 5K but I'm going to wait until my son starts preschool to do that and it warms up a little. It sounds great!
    Is this your first time doing the shred? You'll hurt for the first few days but if you can get over that hump you're on your way! I also love this site for encouragement :)
  • zbstngrl
    zbstngrl Posts: 52 Member
    I have completed week 7 of C25K so I am waiting for streets to clean up a bit to start my week 8...
    However I began from week one not 4.
    Tips: It helped me with breathing to keep my posture straight and run at slower pace rather than taking off faster. Remember you are building endurance not speed at this point in the program.
    Having right for you running sneakers. I ran 4 weeks on the wrong ones and saw the difference once I bought the right ones.

    is there reason why you starting at week 4 and not the beginning?

    Hope this helps!
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    oh, I misunderstood, I thought the OP meant that she was starting week 4 (after completing the prior weeks)....
  • debgiles222
    debgiles222 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement!! It's nice to see that people have done it all before and it didn't kill them as much as it sounds like it's gonna kill me.

    To clarify, I finished the 3 weeks of C25K already last week so now I'm starting week 4. I've attempted the C25K before but never made it this far before so I'm excited for at least sticking with it this time. I'm trying to do my first 5K in the beginning of May so at least I have a goal to work towards.

    I've never done the 30 day shred before but I thought it would be some good strength training and toning to start with. I'm also a bridesmaid in a month and want to look a little more toned and in shape in my dress so that's some motivation to continue on with it. I wasn't too sore after day 1 of level 1 but I'm starting to feel it after day 2. I'm sure it will get better though...no pain no gain right?!
  • zbstngrl
    zbstngrl Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement!! It's nice to see that people have done it all before and it didn't kill them as much as it sounds like it's gonna kill me.

    To clarify, I finished the 3 weeks of C25K already last week so now I'm starting week 4. I've attempted the C25K before but never made it this far before so I'm excited for at least sticking with it this time. I'm trying to do my first 5K in the beginning of May so at least I have a goal to work towards.

    I've never done the 30 day shred before but I thought it would be some good strength training and toning to start with. I'm also a bridesmaid in a month and want to look a little more toned and in shape in my dress so that's some motivation to continue on with it. I wasn't too sore after day 1 of level 1 but I'm starting to feel it after day 2. I'm sure it will get better though...no pain no gain right?!

    Ok thanks for clarifying. You will be fine. I suggested this to another member who is doing C25K. If you feel like out of breath and strength to run ... maybe take a longer recovery time ..add 1-2 minutes to walking time and then resume to complete the run. It definitely helped me!
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