Cardio/exercise ideas for a gimp?

I sprained my ankle yesterday and am not able to walk comfortably, let alone exercise with it. Does anyone have any exercise ideas that don't require a leg? The other one still works great. :) I'm not really into weights and I most likely wouldn't do much of an upper body circuit. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks!


  • lap1476
    Can you get in a pool - swimming is excellent cardio with little or no strain.
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    I second the recommendation for swimming.

    Also, those rowing machines in most gyms are great.
  • cheangela
    cheangela Posts: 173
    Ouch! Many hopes you heal quick! Aqua jogging is pretty awesome, and the belt isn't all that expensive either. I hope you have access to a pool!
  • DianeAuger
    Hello, I'm sorry about your ankle-hope you can get around soon.
    My suggestion would be to do crunches. If you reconsider using weights it's a great way to build muscle which burn more calories even at rest. Try a couple of 2lb weights, sit in a chair and shadow box. Or forget the weights and just hit the air! I go to a boxing gym and it's a great way to releive stress and get a good workout so when you are up and about -check it out.