Need advice, struggling to meet calorie goal

Okay, quick explain. During the week I often struggle to meet my calorie goal, it's currently 1790calories a day. It is hard for me to meet this even if I don't work out. If I decide to work out on a particular day of the week, like today, add another 400 or so calories to that total. It is not regular that I exercise on a work day because I'm usually tired, but sometimes I do, like today.
I understand needing to eat my exercise calories, and on the weekends I have NO problem at all meeting my calorie goal + any exercise. But that's only two days out of 7.
I am on a limited budget, what are some good snacks that will help me meet my calorie goal during the week, but not push anything else to far overboard and aren't to expensive?
Any other advice?
Thanks mfp!


  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    fruit! Cheep (if in season), easy to pack and about 100 calories each (depending on what you eat!)

    Almonds or oatment is another option for you.

    just a thought!
  • sunbeam11
    nuts, string cheese, yougurt, stuff like that...go for nutritious, things with protein, calcium, etc.

    yep, fruit is a good one too, just not too much of it...veggies too. Look at what you are low on to decide.
  • kategardella
    Its because your calorie goal is WAY too high! You should be eating about 100-200 calories less than you burn if you were sedentary during the day... which will depend on your height weight and body mass index (how much fat vs/ how much muscle) Im 5'7, 139lbs and if I sat on my butt all day I would burn 1440 calories.... so my goal per day is 1300 which is very doable, I'm never hungry. Try lowering your calorie goal to about 1300 or 1400... youll meet it AND youll cut a lot of weight :)
  • 1ofthegang
    1ofthegang Posts: 76 Member
    Natural peanut butter. Yum!
  • leafsan
    leafsan Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks both of you! I'll see what I can find at the store when I go this weekend. Almonds might be a great one for me to try to get my hands on. I like crunchy things. :)
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    I eat Almonds when I am short on calories! Its not super filling which if your full is good, they are full of calories but are super healthy for you!!
  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    I get the generic fiber one bars, delicious, high in fiber 120 calories. Nuts are a good one too. Cottage cheese (I add a sugar free cup of pears to it for sweetness).
  • leafsan
    leafsan Posts: 21 Member
    Its because your calorie goal is WAY too high! You should be eating about 100-200 calories less than you burn if you were sedentary during the day... which will depend on your height weight and body mass index (how much fat vs/ how much muscle) Im 5'7, 139lbs and if I sat on my butt all day I would burn 1440 calories.... so my goal per day is 1300 which is very doable, I'm never hungry. Try lowering your calorie goal to about 1300 or 1400... youll meet it AND youll cut a lot of weight :)

    I don't think it's to high, I have a job where I walk or am on my feet a great deal. It's the calorie goal they gave me to loose 1lb a week. I'll see about adjusting it for 1.5lbs a week though and see if that makes me feel better!
  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    I get the generic fiber one bars, delicious, high in fiber 120 calories. Nuts are a good one too. Cottage cheese (I add a sugar free cup of pears to it for sweetness).

    Sorry, fiber one bars are 150 calories. Was trying to go by memory. LOL
  • perry12345
    As PP mentioned, nuts are a great snack to add a few cals, and inexpensive if you hit the bulk aisle of your grocery store. I also like reduced fat triscuits (maybe with a slice of cheese?). Yogurt can also be a healthy, cheap snack if you buy the larger container or find individual ones on sale. Happy snacking! :)
  • leafsan
    leafsan Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone! :) great suggestions, sometimes I swear my brain turns off on healthy foods that I already love and for some reason think I can't have!
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    Under tools, BMR. Find your Basic Metabolic rate with your height and weight and then subtract a coule hundred pounds and that is the number of calories to eat per day.

    The best snacks are fruit or veggies. Choose something nutritious, maybe some celery with peanut butter. String cheese really stays with your.

    You mentioned exercise. I get up early and exercise, some aerobics or treadmill before going to work. After work I am too tired.

    I hope this helps.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    How did you end up with such a high daily calorie limit. I am just on the border line of overweight/obese and I only get 1200 calories a day. Almonds are great if you are looking for quick calories, but the fat, protein and possibly salt will also go way up too.
  • leafsan
    leafsan Posts: 21 Member
    Honestly, I have no idea why my limit is so high! I found it odd myself, as other sites had told me 1600. The BMR calculator has me at almost 1700 for a BMR. I am just over Obese 1 but I've found myself perfectly happy and not hungry on a 1400-1600 calorie diet, I am just tired of not losing weight, working out has been a part of my life for the last several months, so it's not that new.

    Thanks for the tip on the Almonds.