Sore from working out

Ok so these last few days, maybe 7 days, i have worked out hard, walking and (trying to) jogging. Im also doing push-ups, and im using the ab circle pro, im so sore, all over, like it hurts to walk. Is that normal, usually im sedentary so this is a shock for my body. Should i carry on and power through it or slow down?


  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    Depends on how sore you are. A little soreness is normal. But if it really hurts to walk you may have over stressed or even bruised a muscle. Can you be more specific where the pain is?
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    If you've really pushed for 7 days its time for some rest. You should have at least 1 every week. After particularly stressful workouts you should schedule a day of "active recovery" with some moderate walking and yoga or generic stretching.
  • jenrobyoung
    If you have been going hard for 7 days straight a light day or a day off may be needed to help your body recover. Make sure you are taking the time to stretch after and before you exercise. Especially if your body is not used to it, you need a warm up time that includes stretching and it may help you work through some of the sourness.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Even God took a day of rest, chill.
  • winneau
    winneau Posts: 139 Member
    Lol, edorice! Great advice :laugh:
  • MillerLB83
    When you work out, you are essentially tearing your muscles so when the fibers heal back together they heal thicker and tighter so you need to stretch the muscle fibers out before and after your workout to prevent injury and soreness and increase flexibility! Also varying your workout and resting are necessary. Some soreness is good, excessive soreness is not.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    It is absolutely normal, 'specially for a beginner. Your muscles are waking up, you should be proud.

    Ibuprofin and ice packs, plus plenty of stretching and rest. Tomorrow morning, you might have a hard time getting your body straightened out. Make sure you stretch real good, and keep stretching throughout the day. Be mindful of your posture, it will be easy to slouched, which will make the soreness worse. Also, don't use the ice on more than two joints at once, no more than 20 minutes at a time, and not more than once an hour.

    I take 400mg ibuprofin with a glass of whole milk and whey protein or Carnation Instant Breakfast for breakfast.
    Then 200 to 400 mg more after lunch, then no more for at least a day.(Dr. approved)
    I just set a new Barbell curl PR, and will definitely be taking ibuprofin in the morning.

    Good luck!
  • mountainwoman98
    mountainwoman98 Posts: 182 Member
    Yeah what they said AND a nice warm epsom salt bath to soak in will help with the soreness sweetie :smile:
  • mark996
    mark996 Posts: 184 Member
    +1 for the epsom salt bath. I also use contrast showers, the cycling of hot and cold water for about a minute each cycle, it helps with DOMs for me quite nicely.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    +1 for contrast showers
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks everyone, I will definitely take all of your advice. I really wasn't being honest with myself these last couple of weeks and so i guess im kind of in "punishing mode" where just doing a little isnt enough. I will rest or at least take it easy. I think i will try some more stretching too, i dont think im doing enough of that. The pain im having is in my abs, obliques, shoulders and near my neck, which i think is from the pushups, which im doing against a wall instead of on the floor. I ache all over, ive worked out before but this feels almost like flu, my whole body aches come the end of the day
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Slow down! Add a yoga day. :)
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    a little soreness is normal. when i lift weights or try something new, ill get a little sore but if its that sore to where it hurts to walk then it sounds like you really strained yourself and you probably need to rest and recover for a day or two. you dont want to overwork yourself... or at least do really low impact workouts till you arent so sore like just walking slowly or something. take it easy till your body heals a bit
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    Even God took a day of rest, chill.

    Well said!