What to do when eating dinner at someones home?

At least when you dine out you have a choice... What about when you are a house guest? This happened to me last night.When told what we would be having earlier that day(chicken fried steak with gravy), I told my hubby that I couldn't eat that. Well I did. I didn't want to be rude.It made me so sick! I felt like I was being stabbed in the stomach. Lesson learned!


  • alicial3
    alicial3 Posts: 10 Member
    Smaller portions, is about all you can do.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I know you don't want to be rude but at some point I think you need to put your health first. I don't think it be rude to say no thank you to the gravy or to the 2nd scoop of potatoes idea.
  • imbwy420
    Just eat a small amount, and don't add any sauce or butter to anything if you can help it. For dessert, stick with the same plan - small slices of cake or pie - you don't have to finish it either. Make sure you tell them that the food is great so they don't think that you didn't enjoy it (I'm sure that if it was unhealthy, it at least tasted good) - that's all you can do. Good luck!
  • stargzrlily
    stargzrlily Posts: 83 Member
    Just eat a small amount, and don't add any sauce or butter to anything if you can help it. For dessert, stick with the same plan - small slices of cake or pie - you don't have to finish it either. Make sure you tell them that the food is great so they don't think that you didn't enjoy it (I'm sure that if it was unhealthy, it at least tasted good) - that's all you can do. Good luck!

    lol... hell yea it tasted good that was part of the problem. i ate a bigger portion then what i should have =/
  • liyahxoxo
    hey there!
    I have the same problem! here are some tips:
    1. there is usually a salad. eat a plateful of that, and slow.
    2. portion size! eat half of what you usually eat, like a small portion. eat slow, chew well.
    3. choose wisely what to eat- like someone here said- yes have the chicken but minimize the gravy.
    4. it's much easier for me to do cus I'm vegetarians- usually at other people's houses I need to stick to the salads anyways, so everyone is used to this. you can say that as part of healthier lifestyle choices you decided to decease your meat intake per week (this might not be true but still- no one sane will get offended because of that).
  • liyahxoxo
    oh and good luck to you!!! :)
  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    Next time, maybe you can offer to help out or ask if you could bring something along with you. You could prepare a nice healthy salad at home. When it is time to eat, fill up on the salad, and eat a little bit of the bad stuff...As long as you are eating, you will not hurt anybody's feelings.
    Also, you could start sharing recipes with your friends... And how knows, next time she might want to impress you with the shared recipe!
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Why not tell the truth. When they said what you would be eating that night, you can say "that sounds absolutly delicious but you can only have a taste as you have made a change in your diet that does not allow for fried foods or gravy per the advice of your phisician" Why torture yourself with garbage that phisically makes you ill just to avoid hurting someones feelings? If this person is a relatively close aquaintance I am sure they would understand if you brought a meal of your own with you. I think I would maybe take one bite of what was on offer or pass completly and say how wonderful it looks and the smell is divine. If you have made a commitment to yourself I say stick w/ it. Make sure you let them know ahead of time what your plans are and not just turn up w/ a tupperware full of food. They should understand, I mean, you wouldn't make a recovering alchoholic drink just beacause that's what's on offer at the party. Don't be ashamed of your new way of eating, just be true to you.
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    Depending on the meal I will either eat a very small portion or tell them that I've already eaten/ trying to go vegetarian / not hungry / that I have left overs that I need to get eaten first.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Depends on who is doing the invites. I have food allergies so if it is a friend I alert my hostess/host. if I am not that friendly with the host, then I eat beforehand. Just something small like a hardboiled eggs or something, but enough to take the edge off. Then I take small portions but try to fill up on whatever veg is available.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Depends on who is doing the invites. I have food allergies so if it is a friend I alert my hostess/host. if I am not that friendly with the host, then I eat beforehand. Just something small like a hardboiled eggs or something, but enough to take the edge off. Then I take small portions but try to fill up on whatever veg is available.