nutritional values

HELP!! Can someone please explain why the milk and yoghurts that I'm entering are not coming up as having any calcium content on my reports?? I'm really confused - when you check their nutrional values entered they have a % amount eg 39% per serve???


  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    If you are using the database not all that are entered are correct. When i run into this problem I do one of two things. 1. look for an other entry that has the right information listed 2. enter the item myself so I know its right. I read some where that you can change interies in the database, but it just seems easier to just enter it myself so I kown I will always have it right. This is a good idea for things that you eat often.
  • shez2011
    shez2011 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for your reply; I did go in and see if the entry needed changing, but it appeared ok. It was listed as a % in the calcium spot, but doesn't come up on my food list as calcium. mmmmm might try adding my own, as you suggested and see if any different. Thanks