
Well I found this app on my phone to help me with calorie counting (really not knowing what I was going to find). My husband and I are determined to lose some weight and get on the healthy side. Busy schedules is our biggest obstacle when sticking with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I found this easy, won't break the bank and I can log on my phone. I have a hard time sticking with things when it comes to online because I sit in front of the computer 8 hours a day so I am hoping that the support from myhusband and support from others like us will keep us motivated and on track.


  • brendac72
    brendac72 Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome!!!! You have made a good decision to join MFP...I love this site. It has helped me alot and it can really help you. We're all here for the same reason.
  • msjohnson13
    msjohnson13 Posts: 57 Member
    thank-you. So far I like what I see and how easy things are. Now, it's to get using some of the tools and begin the journey. What do you think is the best tool on this site.
  • jrhodges20
    jrhodges20 Posts: 103 Member
    welcome to the site! I have found MFP to be the most helpful with motivation and keeping a food and exercise diary. It shows me how many calories i've consumed, burned and how much I need to catch up...I can understand the busy schedules it is the hardest thing. I work nights on the weekdays and go back to a normal schedule on my days off. It gets confusing, but so far its been working great
    Feel free to add me if you would like
  • Lydbell
    The best tool on here is the people! It also really helps me be aware of what I'm putting in my mouth because I have to log it on here later and people will see and I will have to see the numbers ugh it's helps me think twice. And if your having a rough time tell people on here and they will help. I love MFP PEOPLE! Feel free to add me.
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    For me the best part of mfp is the accountability. Everything is counted out right there and I love seeing "mid0109 has completed her food and exercise diary and is under her calorie goal" so when I'm craving a midnight snack, I think of that! Lol good luck!