Fell off the wagon...

SuzieQT Posts: 188 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
This past weekend my boyfriend and I went on vacation. We stayed in a cabin, so no exercise equipment, but we did cook more than we ate out. We went to a theme park one day and I can't even begin to imagine how many calories were in that giant hamburger, fries, and milk shake lunch we had. On the plus side we spent a good 6 to 7 hours walking that day. And then yesterday I pigged out. I actually got the nerve to log my calories and I was close to 1500 over with no exercise. :blushing: Oops, lol! So I jumped on the scales this morning to see what the damage was, and low and behold I had actually lost a pound from what I was before we left on Friday. Maybe splurging some every now and then isn't all that bad. Thankfully I'm having no problem getting back on the wagon today. Just wanted to share! Thanks for all of your support and advice!


  • SuzieQT
    SuzieQT Posts: 188 Member
    This past weekend my boyfriend and I went on vacation. We stayed in a cabin, so no exercise equipment, but we did cook more than we ate out. We went to a theme park one day and I can't even begin to imagine how many calories were in that giant hamburger, fries, and milk shake lunch we had. On the plus side we spent a good 6 to 7 hours walking that day. And then yesterday I pigged out. I actually got the nerve to log my calories and I was close to 1500 over with no exercise. :blushing: Oops, lol! So I jumped on the scales this morning to see what the damage was, and low and behold I had actually lost a pound from what I was before we left on Friday. Maybe splurging some every now and then isn't all that bad. Thankfully I'm having no problem getting back on the wagon today. Just wanted to share! Thanks for all of your support and advice!
  • Reesy
    Reesy Posts: 132 Member
    Sometimes we need to shake things up even when we think we are doing it all wrong. Congrats on the 1 pound lost.
  • I totally agree...
    I've read somewhere, that it is actually a good idea to have a splurge day or meal once a week. Your body gets used to that same number of calories which eventually can lead to a plateau. As long as you get back on track the next day, it shouldn't be a problem. Besides it keeps us sane to have a little treat now and again!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I had a wedding this weekend -- partying Friday night, rehearsal lunch Saturday, and reception yesterday. I didn't bother to log either, no telling how many calories in that food!

    But today's a new day. Back on the wagon!! :wink:
  • Don't you love it when that happens? Yep, sometimes a cheat day or meal is just what the Dr. ordered!
  • Congrats on the 1 lb loss. I fell off the wagon. Went on an overnight trip with my husband. Ate out lunch and dinner on Saturday. On Sunday, ate out breakfast and lunch (had cookies for snack). Tried to eat a decent dinner. Was still hungry. Tried to get back on the wagon on Monday. Did okay, but did nibble some. Doing much better today.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Me too. I was so depressed at 3 wks of butterfly sitting at same number....sooooooo close to the 1/2 way mark, yet so far away.

    I read Banks plateau thread and thought, what the h, I will eat cheeburger, cheeburger, cheeps cheeps..... coke, no pepsi

    Bam! scale started moving again.

    Congrats on you pound a roonie! :drinker:
  • I more or less jumped off the wagon. I went back to visit my college friends at school this weekend. I posted a 4 pound gain on Tuesday morning! Between going out, picnicing, ordering in, wings, cheese fries, etc, this was to be expected. I was always bitter in college that my friends could eat anything and not put on a pound. Some things never change!

    I knew the gain was coming, and I was willing to accept it for the fun that I knew that I would have. After a weekend where I fall off and get run over by the wagon (I have one probably every 6 weeks or so?), it takes my body about 6 days to get back to feeling "normal". I'm back at it! Kickboxing tonight, which always helps me release stress and get motivated!
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