30lbs Target

GoshinAlex Posts: 3 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All,

Just joined the site and trying to get accustomed to the whole calorie counting thing still. I've been eating too much junk for far too long now and with a holiday just booked up for September this year I figured that this is as good a time as any to get serious about losing the excess weight that I've put on over the past couple of years.

So I'm aiming for 30lbs in the next few months and then after that to try and put some of it back on again, although this time with a bit of muscle rather than fat, just in time for 3 weeks spent on a tropical island :)

Trying to keep a 1000 calorie deficit a day, so aiming for about 1-2lbs of fat a week.



  • Hi Alex! The calorie counter seems like work at first, but gets easier every day. Good luck to you! Friend me if you'd like!
  • GoshinAlex
    GoshinAlex Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Turtle, i'm slowly getting used to it, it feels like i'm eating too much though when in fact i'm not. I'm splitting my meals out to about 6 times a day every 3 hours or so, so feels like i'm constantly eating at the moment while my body adapts to the new routine.
  • Hi there. I too am a junk food junkie :) Its like stopping smoking for me which I did 3 years ago and I just have to be strong. I gets treats from the little old ladies I work with as we are not allowed to accept tips so they buy us chocolates. I have been refusing the chocolates and telling them if they insist on getting me something the make it be fruit. It has worked for me these past few weeks even though I only Joined this site on Sunday I have lost just over a Kilo since Christmas as I was weighed in at the hospital yesterday :) Good luck with your 30lbs. :wink:
  • Awesome Alex! Good luck!!
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    Goodluck x
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