No loss... No Gain... AGAIN

So Monday has come and gone again. With no loss, no gain, oh and did I mention SAME INCHES too! This is week 3 with NOTHING. No change at all in my weight or in my inches. I mean come on SERIOUSLY :grumble: After last week of no loss or gain I switched up my eating patterns (thanks to a very helpful MFP'er). Thinking this week I should see some pretty good results. Nope. Nothing :angry: Dispite being sick and not eating hardly anything for about 2 days, I did really good this week. Can anybody say frustration.


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm not an expert, so take my advice with a grain of salt. But I looked at your diary, and I see that you're netting under 1000 calories most days. Your body might think you're starving, and it doesn't want to let go of its energy stores. I would try increasing my intake so that my net is above 1200 every day, starting with one day of an even higher intake (1400 or so) to let my body know I was going to start giving it more fuel and it can let go of that fat.

    Don't give up!
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    Aww hun ((hugs))
    Look back through what you have eaten and see if there is a particular food you have had every week and see if not eating it this week makes any difference.

    I cant eat pasta.. if i do i put on weight or stay the same. so i leave it out and dont touch it.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Sorry, took another look... I also see that quite often, you're going over on sodium. You might also be retaining some water just from that. Is there a way you can cut out some of that sodium and see if that helps?
  • phover
    phover Posts: 21 Member
    Don't give up! When we are fighting a cold or feeling under the weather, the body has a strange way of protecting itself.....maybe you just needed anything extra on your body to help get you through not feeling well.....
    Step it up a notch when you do feel better, and give yourself a chance to see the results long term....sometimes we get so focussed on the " no results" today, that we forget about the amazing healthy body we are going to have tomorrow......:smile:

    have a great workout, and have a great day!
  • Only1ladyk
    Only1ladyk Posts: 15 Member
    I totally understand how you feel. I start in November. First I gained weight then it stayed at 200lbs for 6weeks! If it wasn't for my trianer I would have given up! Then one day all at once 5lbs fell off. Keep pushing, keep adjusting your diet. Make sure you drink water like theres a drought. You see a change.

    Never give up we're always here for you! :flowerforyou:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I don't think you are eating enough. You have been under your calorie goal (and 1200 cals) everyday. You do not want to be under your goal you want to meet your goal (MFP goal plus exercise calories). Some days you were even under 1000 cals.

    If you are having trouble hitting your calorie goal try adding nuts, seeds and/or dehydrated fruit as a snack. Eat higher fat versions of the food you eat i.e switch from 1% ilk to 2%. Add olive oil to soups and sauces. Add Avocado to salads and sandwiches. You don't have to eat more food, just choose foods that are more calorie dense.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    You miss breakfast most days..which means you don't get your metabolism going early.....and if you do eat breakfast you seem to miss a meal later compensate? I think you might find better results if you eat small amounts more obviously have the sort of metabolism that needs a litttle boost throughout the day. It seems contrary to what we expect when everyone tells us to eat more..which is what got us here in the first place..but it does actually work. Give it a go for a couple of weeks after all the way you are doing it now is not it just might be the key! Good Luck & don't be'll get there.