P90X, first-timer, day 2 & 3 down

DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
So now I find myself with half of P90X's 6 workouts for Week One behind me.

Day 1 was pretty horrible for me, though it is to be expected. I had to pause a lot, walk off high heartrates, etc. Felt like I spent a lot of time coming slowly to the realization that it's OK to do only 4 reps versus their 12 as long as they are 4 clean reps. Didn't feel OK that I couldn't do even 1 rep of some stuff (hello diamond/heart pushup thingies).

Day 2 was tough but I felt better about how I did. I came to terms somewhat with my inability to just pull off the same reps as the people onscreen, but at the same time I was at least able to do at least some of everything shown. The only major negative was that it took me about twice as long to do the workout, as I had to pause VERY often. My heartrate almost always spiked up to 160s - 170s after just one or two exercises, and I had to walk it off constantly. Never sat down for the entire 2 hours, though, I always kept moving.

Day 3: First off was a big test of my will just to go and pop in the DVD. A coldish rainy night and I tend to be weather-driven. I got over it and got started.

For this day's workout, I had a lot of trouble figuring out what weight I needed to use, and will probably still be figuring out where I am during next week's workout. A large amount of pausing going on to take breaks, although I also had the excuse of having to add/remove weight to my adjustable barbells. Heart rate wasn't a huge issue, just fatigue. Again it probably took me almost double the time of the actual workout to finish. Negatives are that I was using quite pathetically light weights. Except for tricep kickback type exercises, I expected myself to be able to do more. Ah well, maybe I'll improve soon.

So now I am sore all over, and hoping next week I can vastly improve how long it takes for me to get through a workout. As it is now with my schedule I have only time to work and do a workout (that generally takes up something like 2 hours at my pace) before the end of the day. The big test for me is to get over the fact that at least for now this is going to destroy my evenings.


  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    I will be doing Day 3 Shoulders and Arms / Ab Ripper X tonight. I don't expect myself to be able to keep up with those on screen; they have already graduated from the program. I just want to try to improve everytime I put a workout in. For example, my first night on Ab Ripper X I could only do 182 of the moves. Tonight my goal is at least 200. I did Plyo last night and it kicked my butt; next week I hope to improve on how much I could do. On my tracking sheets, if I feel I need to increase the weight next time I go ahead and fill in what I think I will need to use next time. That way I know I am slowly increasing the weight I use. I think you will see huge improvements as the weeks go by. I look forward to seeing your progress. Did you take before pics?
  • Be proud of yourself for even doing it! I've had P90X for over a year and still haven't attempted to do it. I start reading the fitness guide and I get intimidated and don't start. I keep telling myself that I'm going to do it but I need to get in a little better shape first. Right know I've set my start day for March. So your a step up from me. =) Good job for sticking with it!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    "Do your best....and forget the rest!! :wink:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    On my tracking sheets, if I feel I need to increase the weight next time I go ahead and fill in what I think I will need to use next time. That way I know I am slowly increasing the weight I use.

    This is exactly what I did & what I was going to suggest as well.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Awesome job staying committed no matter how long it takes you will see your strength increase with each workout and like Tony say "do your best and forget the rest", so take your time and modify and before you know it you will be whipping through that hr and your weight will have increased as far as lifting amount I promise:bigsmile: just stick with it your body will change right before your eyes!!
  • baby81girl2003
    baby81girl2003 Posts: 79 Member
    Great Job Dave! Even though you might not be able to get through everything right now, that's totally ok! The fact that you keep putting that DVD in and putting your best effort into each workout, that's the real sucess!

    I start P90X in 3 weeks ( after 30 Day Shred) and I'm looking forward to it!
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