I'm putting myself first this year

Hi everyone,

My name is Marissa; I'm a wife and mother of 2 and live in Houston, Texas. I have always put everyone else before me so I'm taking this year to start taking care of myself. I started January 4th and just recently I have felt that exercise has become a routine. I work out 6 days a week, started at 30 minutes a day and now I'm up to 50-60 minutes. My husband at first was not supportive of me so I had to motivate myself and start with or without his support. He supports me now - he has no choice LOL, he noticed after 2 weeks that I was being serious.

I look to this website for motivation, support and advice.



  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Hi Marissa,

    Congrats on the new you!! I hope that you get as much job and motivation from MFP as I am!!! Best wishes on your journey!!!
  • ByTheBeach
    welcome to MFP! good for you for taking care of you! I'm a mom as well and I KNOW that sometimes I feel like what I want/need gets put on the back burner!

    :) GO YOU!
  • happynewme
    You sound just like me. I am from the UK and have two gorgeous little ones and a lovely husband but really am with you when you say you are putting yourself first this year. This is my year to get fit and healthy and feel good about myself. I started on the 4th Jan too and already I am finding exercise easier and dare I say it enjoyable! Good luck with your year!
    We seem to be reading the same pages of life lately because that is what started my whole getting to me. Good luck and I find that this site is a strong reason as to why I am still hitting the gym in the morning too. Good luck and welcome!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    If mom is happy then everyone is happy....I think that how it goes. Good for you!! We sometimes lose our identity once we become mothers. I'm glad you were able to pick yourself up and get MOVING!!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    So proud of you!! You can do this- putting yourself first will not only mean that you will make positive change for you- but also for your family! Please feel free to add my if you need support!! I too started on Jan. 4, and have not been this happy, positive or motivated in ages!

    You rock, woman!
  • skinnychick2b
    skinnychick2b Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, and welcome! I am new on here as well! I noticed your title and thought that was my exact new years resolution this year! Congrats on being serious! I am doing it too! I need to lose 40-50 lbs! Good luck to you! Kelsi, St.George, Utah:smile::smile: