
cerysrhi Posts: 262
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
So here it is - the one thing I love about this site is that I can put in all my main meals and then see what calories I have left over for snacks I noticed today that all my snacks are junk foods such as crisps sweets and chocolate bars oh and not forgetting my Pepsi max which I have cut down from 2litres a day to less than 2litres a week. For the first time in my life I don't feel like I am on a diet and I am really enjoying the fact that I can still snack on what I used to eat far too much of. I am losing weight at quite a good rate between 3 and 4 lbs a week. I know if I avoid all the foods I love (the foods that aren't good for me) I will cave and just gorge on them my question is - is it realistic for me to think that snacking on bad foods is OK just because I'm losing the weight or should I try and change my way of thinking and snack on the good healthy foods? am I setting myself up for a fall by allowing myself these bad snacks?? or am I being smart by controlling my junk cravings in this way ? my calorie allowance is 1310 and I tend to earn about 300 from exercise (I don't always use these thou) my meals are broken down into 400/300/400 which leaves just over 200 for snacks which on an average day is 1 packet of crisps 6 pear drops and a can of max
all opinions welcome and don't worry I dont offend easily so just say it as it is x


  • you eat what you want hun, so long as you dont go massive ley over your intake, i had a massive blow out on monday, was very hormonal and ate 900cals over my limit in chocolate, yes it was a lot of chocolate, but over the week i ended up 53 calories a day under, you will lose weight if all you ate was your daily intake in sugar! you would be ill, but you would lose weight, think of food as fuel, some times you put super unleaded in your car some times a branded premium , and other times you may fill up at the supermarket, it all does the same job it gets your car from a-b it just ist as good a quality, the same goes for food! it fuels your body, some of it is fantastically healthy and other stuff isnt but every thing in moderation.i have been calorie counting now for 6 years, and the wight is still going off, not as fast as when i was bigger but thats to be expected. why should be being on a diet be a punishment?, i have special fried rice from the take out on friday , 625 cals, i have a chocolate bar when i want, its just about being sensable. good luck if i can do it you can
  • i was a size 24 am now a size 14 for skirts and trousers 16-18 for tops depending on where i buy them
  • I liked your post and I am in the same predicament that you are in. I love my snack food and we have them in the house such as chocolate, chips and so on. But my husband read me an article in the new Reader's Digest called "Eat this and loose weight". It is not a diet nor do you stop eating the foods you love. You just have to learn to do portion control (my daughter-in-law tells me that too). I am learning the portion control deal. Now I just have to get my mind to work with me on this.

    You are correct in saying that if you cut out all the foods that are not good for you, you will crave them later and that is true. You can eat foods that are not good for you in moderation this way you won't crave them later. By totally cutting them out you will definitely crave them later and you will eat more then you should. I know been there done that.

    I hope this helps you. I am not a professional nor am I a food expert but I am a person who has and still is going through the same thing.

    Keep up the great work you are doing and again thanks for posting. Now I know I am not alone when it comes to sweets and eating them while you are trying to loose weight.
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