Hi all - new to this site and I'm on second day of slim fast

honeypie03 Posts: 13
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there,

I was wondering if there is anyone else who has done this diet or who is currently doing it? I just started the slim fast 3-2-1 plan yesterday... my thinking behind it is that I am such a food addict, it would be nice not to have to decide what to eat for 2 meals a day. I am 5ft 1inch tall and am the heaviest I've ever been, so thought I would give it a go. It's only day two and I told myself I wasn't going to jump on the scales, but I did and since Sunday (the day before I started slim fast) I have lost 4bls!? I am pretty sure this is just water and by the time it gets to my proper weigh in day in a week, that will have gone back on... but it has motivated me. I have also been doing 30mins - 1hour of exercise each day.


  • Hiya :D

    Im doing the ultra slim method which is the same as slim fast but has less sugar in and more protein in.

    Feel free to add me if you want some support ect :D

    Ive lost 6lbs since last friday so far :D
  • jms1739
    jms1739 Posts: 80 Member
    Good job on starting to take care of yourself. Once you start losing some weight try incorporating healthy foods in so that you are not on the slim fast for a long time. But if it works for you go for it. Add me if you want, and we can work on supporting eachother.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Welcome!! I'm doing the 321 slim fast plan also,I love this site.If you like you can add me and we can support each other.
  • That's awesome... I must admit I have been having hunger pangs, but I know that I have been eating properly i.e. fruit and veg inbetween meals and a balanced meal at night. My stomach needs to shrink, so I'm going to stick with it. I will add you both as friends. Thankyou so much, I do need some motivation at times. My problem is that I like EVERYTHING good and bad for you, so it's all about portion control to start with which is why the shakes seem like a good idea at least as a kick start.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Glad to hear you are feeling motivated!! One small piece of advice, please consider going off slim fast and tracking your calories with MFP....learning how to eat and balance your calorie intake throughout that day, in addition to exercise, is really important to successful weight loss.

    You can do this!!
  • I've heard of the plan and years ago I used slim fast as a substitute for food because of my busy schedule, but not as a weight loss plan. I have been using myfitnesspal since April of last year, what I have learned about food, sodium content, etc has been a real eye opener. From April 2010 to October 2010, I lost my first goal weight of 72 lbs, this is the first thing I have done in my life that has actually worked for me. A downfall I had, was in October my dog died on her ninth birthday, that left me depressed and lonely and with the holidays, I didn't track my food as well, and fell back into some old eating habits, but I only gained back 12 lbs in about three months, so I am not threaten, I have gone back to monitoring what I eat, how I eat and exercise at least 3 times a weeks and back on my second goal losing 40 more lbs to be in a healthy weight range. Food is not enemy if we know how to use it properly. If you are not tracking sodium, add that column, you would be surprised how much sodium is in food and how quickly it adds up. Read labels and serving size, it becomes and addictive habit while grocery shopping. Good Luck!!
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Hi! Welcome.
    We're glad to have you here at MFP. I think Slim Fast might be okay to get yourself started, but as others have said, counting calories and eating nutritious portion-controlled food is a life long skill that you can incorporate into an overall lifestyle change.

    I don't know how many calories are in slim fast, but make sure you are gettting your nutrients and at least 1,000 calories a day for long term success. Congrats on the 4 lbs! That's a great start!
  • I use the slim fast shakes in the morning for breakfast. I'm hardly ever hungry but want to get something in my system. My only problem is, I don't like the sugar that is in it...but then again its my choice to drink it. I have never followed the plan though.
    Good luck to you!
  • I use the slim fast shakes in the morning for breakfast. I'm hardly ever hungry but want to get something in my system. My only problem is, I don't like the sugar that is in it...but then again its my choice to drink it. I have never followed the plan though.
    Good luck to you!

    Get some EAS Carb Control!! ITS AWESOME! and Cheaper!!
  • Thanks for all your advice and support... I have tried scottish slimmers in the past which used checks, much like the weight watchers points to control calorie intake. That didn't work for me as I hated having to decide what to eat and the preperation of all the meals etc was very time consuming. I have a fair knowledge of what foods I should be eating, but again my problem is that I love everything from seafood and salad to crisps and pizza's... it really is like an addiction to food. With the slim fast, I don't have to think about it for they two meals a day and it's a relief to be honest. Temptation will definately come my way, but it's changing my mindset about food... it is something to be enjoyed, but it is fuel for your body too... and you are what you eat, so I choose not to be EVERYTHING I eat :smile:

    I know this probably won't be a long term solution, but I will take it one day at a time and definately stick with this site as it is really helping
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