Gastric Bypass 1+ yr out - help

I'm 14 mos out of surgery and have been stalled at around 170 lbs since around Christmas. I've tried lowering my calories, raising my calories, upping protein, lowering carbs, exercising longer, etc.. nothing I do seems to get my scale moving again and I'm getting a little frustrated because I'm trying really hard.

Is there anyone a year or more out who had this plateau and how did you work your way out of it? I'm open to suggestions!


  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I am 3 years out and am stuck myself. I did have complications from the start however, so I didn't get nearly as close to my goals as you seem to have done. I am interested in seeing what others have to say. Personally I think my surgery was a mistake and I actually did better in my 6mo pre-surgery diet, than after so I am not much help I think. Researching bypass surgery now (as I should have done back then) is making me think that while the initial quick weight loss was awesome and helped me physically in so many ways, the resulting damage to my metabolism seems to have killed my hopes of getting down to a "normal" weight. hmmm. Just my oppinion tho. Look forward to these responses.
  • Tammysboys
    Congrats on the 127 pounds already lost, that is great. I don't have any suggestions for you but thought wow what a great job you have done!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Please tell me what is wrong with having a BMI of 24.4. It's within your healthy range, and you look absolutely fabulous! Have you discussed this plateau with your surgeon? Truly, I don't think you have anything to be concerned about. It's possible that 170 lbs is your ideal weight, and your body is protesting losing more.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    First of all I have to say, "WOW!". What a fantastic job you have done. You look awesome and must feel great. I am impressed!

    I have lost nothing close to what you have, but have also been on a plateau for over a month. The changes I have made recently are to increase my exercise, drink more water, and reduce my calories slightly. Yesterday I finally weighed a bit lower. My official weigh in is next Saturday so we'll see if this is helping or not.

    I also feel that maybe my body needed a break to catch up to the weight loss. I am trying to let it breath and be patient.
  • Krimicri
    Thanks for all of your replies.

    I am trying to be patient as well, but I'd like for my body to throw me a bone at least. lol I'd be happy with 2 or 3 lbs as good faith. I'd like get to around 150 - 155 and be closer to a 20-21 BMI.. 24.4 is a little too close to that OVERWEIGHT line for my liking, if you get my meaning.

    I've picked up the Couch to 5k again after 4 months off due to knee issues, so maybe that will be the kick-start I need.

    Dwarfer, I'm sorry to hear that you feel your surgery was a mistake.. for me it was a life saver, and a life changer.. I would do it again in a second. However, you never know, in 2 more years I may be saying the same thing. Hang in there!