
Okay, I have to be honest, I HATE drinking water. I know it's healthy for you and helps with weight loss, but I suck at drinking the proper amount every day. Most days I'm lucky to have drank 1/3 of what you're supposed drink. Does anyone have any advice as to how I should improve my daily water consumption? I've tried using Crystal Light and that doesn't even really work for me. :(


  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    How can you hate drinking water?! Do you drink it from the tap or bottled? I hate tap water just because of all the crap that's in there. But I drink probably 6 bottles a day.
  • ChristyDPierce
    ChristyDPierce Posts: 36 Member
    Girl i USED to be the SAME dang way....i've adapted to it and now i cannot live without my dasani bottled water...Have you tried sqeezing some lemon in it? Thats how i started......my thing is restaurant water...EWWW....so i def put some lemon in it or bring my own bottle of water BYOB :D

    You can do this, start by trying to drink at least ONE bottled water a day and then move forward :D
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    I know how you feel. I don't care for water either. So I've made it the only thing available to drink. I buy milk and 100% juice for the kids and nothing else. It's the only way I'll drink the water.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Add crystal light to your water.

    When you wake up in the morning, just grab a glass and chug--boom you can get 10 ounces in quickly that way.

    then fill a container with the rest of the water and add some cyrstal light to it and make it a point to drink it. You just have to. It helps flush the fat we are losing out of your body.
  • Jo_Bird
    Jo_Bird Posts: 38 Member
    I was the same way too. I started by bringing a water bottle everywhere with me and telling myself I have to drink a certain amount of it a day. Started with 2 bottles a day then got to 5 a day. (20 oz. bottle). And, so my reward was to get a nice water bottle camelbak that holds 24oz and I drink no less than 3 refills a day now. You'll be amazed how you can go from being a non water drinker to a person that only likes water. I thought that would never be me. And, well it is me now. :happy: Baby steps.
  • mush1958
    mush1958 Posts: 21 Member
    I HATE water but, I bought a Tervis Tumbler with a straw. I keep ice water by me at all times and I drink tons! Not sure why?
  • Altiv
    Altiv Posts: 174 Member
    A couple of years ago I had the exact same problem, no one could make me drink water, but I tried different types of flavored water and ended up with Dasani citrus and apple-fresh, they are light gas and don't taste like regular water. I guess you could try different flavored waters and see what kind you like. I now can drink up to 6 bottles a day (it's summer where I live =))
  • Altiv
    Altiv Posts: 174 Member
    Ups, double post.
  • Katymom22
    0 calorie life water is so good!! i love the strawberry kiwi lemonade plus its very sweet to curb my candy cravings!
  • cerulian
    I hated it too! Or I thought I thought I did.

    My friends on here gave me some great advice. First thing in the morning, drink 2 cups. Straight. Don't pass go until you do it. I do this before I get ready for the day.

    After that, it's a matter of chugging down 1-2 at a time every couple of hours.
    Then during your workout - drink more. I try to finish 2-4 cups during my workout.

    Sipping doesn't work for me. I end up carrying around the same bottle all day when I sip. Wide mouth cups and just gulping it down work best for me!

    I tried to put in flavors, but I don't like crystal light type things.

    **edited to add** it took me 3 days of doing this consistently and purposefully before I started to do it without thinking about it.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Try put a slice of lemon in the water, it helps. I drink green tea, it helps my water consumption.
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    I hate water too, so most of the time I will add crystal light or brew teas...green or fruity herbals are my favorite. I like to trick myself into thinking I am having something sweet!
  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
    I agree you will get use to it. I picture it washing out fat from my body....and that helps me to drink more. Fill up a glass and just gulp it until it is gone.....and one day you will crave it and become one of those people that carries water bottles everywhere you go.
  • autumntia
    autumntia Posts: 72 Member
    My doctor told me that herbal tea counts toward your water intake...so if you drink herbal tea with Truvia, or Stevia instead of sugar you can count that too. I ony drink about 2 bottles of water daily but my green tea, and yerba mate' tea make up for it :-)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I use a Pur water filter (bottled water is not good) and it makes tap water taste just fine. Although, our water is fluoridated so once we get a house we'll get a reverse osmosis system to filter everything out. I use either a sports bottle or a reusable cup with a lid. Both hold 24oz and I drink from it until it's empty. I go through 1 at the gym and easily drink 2-3 more throughout the day.

    It's really easy to get all your water this way. Having a closed container means you don't have to drink it all at once, and having such a large container means you end up drinking more water easier.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I was the same way too. I started by bringing a water bottle everywhere with me and telling myself I have to drink a certain amount of it a day. Started with 2 bottles a day then got to 5 a day. (20 oz. bottle). And, so my reward was to get a nice water bottle camelbak that holds 24oz and I drink no less than 3 refills a day now. You'll be amazed how you can go from being a non water drinker to a person that only likes water. I thought that would never be me. And, well it is me now. :happy: Baby steps.

    Yep thats how I started. I still bring a water bottle with me.
  • sunbeam11
    I carry a bottle of water with me everywhere. I can't stand our tap water, but it's good after it's been filtered. But I know what you mean, there are some days I have to make myself drink it. Sometimes I put ACV in mine, or lemon. I definitely get my 8 glasses now thanks to MFP. I don't think I was aware that I wasn't drinking enough before. Sometimes you'll crave food, but it's just because you are dehydrated and your body wants water.
  • anewme58
    I have the same problem but I tend to drink more from a straw and also I have a couple sensitive teeth so I drink it luke warm. I am up to about half the amount that I am suppose to drink but I figure it's better than nothing. Try a straw!! :drinker:
  • carolinegeorgia
    what is crystal light? I hate water and how does it help lose weight?
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    true Lemon! crystalized lemon, like real lemon, but you can carry them with you anywhere and everywhere. i drink 5x more water with true lemon than before.