I don't want that to be in my mirror

I didn't know who she was, where she came from, who her family was, what she had gone through in her life, ..... I didn't even know her name. As I ate a greasy 480 calorie slice of pizza I saw her across the Pizza Hut. She was sitting alone, filling almost the entire booth, she had the saddest look on her face almost as if to cry out to me with her eyes,"help me". As she got up I sat munching on my second piece of pizza and then I realized that woman struggling so hard to get out of that booth, that woman who is struggling so hard to breathe as she walks to the door.......food had taken her hostage, she had no way out and it turned into the saddest moment of my life watching her struggle. I love food and I know she loved it too.... I didn't want to be her I didn't want something I loved to trap me, slowly killing me like a boa, most of all I didn't want that to be me in the mirror.

The Pizza Hut lady inspired me to do better for myself. I hope one day she finds inspiration too and can overcome her life long affair with food. Thank you Pizza Hut lady.


  • Junglemonkey
    Junglemonkey Posts: 4 Member
    If you had seen her at the other end of a bar, sloppy drunk and holding onto her glass, or sitting against a brick wall in an alley, stoned out of her mind, you'd feel similarly bad for her. We all have our addictions, and no one can break them but us. I probably don't live anywhere near you, but I've seen that lady too and felt that same sad. I'm glad that you chose to fight your personal addiction.
  • 305muscle
    305muscle Posts: 97 Member
    then stop going to pizza hut
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    It seems as though you've had your "ah-ha!" moment. This is a big thing! It happened to me once when I was struggling with addiction and I have never looked back. Remember her as you continue on your journey. It's going to be a really tough road and you may need to be reminded why you are working hard and making better choices. You have your whole life in front of you now and trust me it's easier at 19 then it is in your 30's! Work hard and stay on track, we're all here for you.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    then stop going to pizza hut

  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    It's not too late to do it. Live healthier and happier.
  • POOKIE19
    I did. and I lost 10 pounds thank you very much.