That dreaded 'time of the month'....

ajwall3 Posts: 187
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay Ladies... I have been working out 6 days a week for 50 minutes. Staying under my calorie goal... and now it's that 'time of the month'. :grumble: My question for you is what do you do during that time to work-out if you have bad cramps like I do?? (Medicine takes the edge off... but when I'm active and my heart gets pumping - I hurt more) I really don't want to get behind in my work-outs and lose my momentum... but I feel like garbage :( I'm not having any food cravings (in fact I don't want to eat at all) which is fantastic. Ideas? Tips? Personal experience? Thanks!!:sad:


  • How about a nice 'Hot Yoga" class (my personal fave) or pilates? Still a very good workout, but no "pounding". We certainly need to listen to our bodies. Hope this helps!
  • Ughh lucky you, no cravings?? I just walked aimlessly around around my house whining "I'm hungry!" "Dieting sucks!" literally on the verge of tears. As for exercise about just a light walk or yoga? You don't have to kill yourself just stay active!
  • Try some stretching and light weight training, just to keep yourself on track and your metabolism up. I agree-listen to your body. I am not looking forward to getting that back once nursing is done. I've been without for 18 months now. I'd like to keep it that way :wink:
  • tsaunders01
    tsaunders01 Posts: 6 Member
    On day 1 I admit it's a struggle to do anything. However I try Yoga, or a slower level of Tae-Bo (My favorite). At minimum, I will walk on the treadmill a little longer (60 minutes) and slower pace vs. a normal treadmill day (30 minutes) at a brisk pace + 40 minutes Tae- Bo.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I'm so glad someone else suffers more when exercising! I'm not glad you're suffering obviously but most people look at me like i'm a bloomin liar when I say that it makes me worse. The pain increases, its like a giant excruciating pulse. I've tried pushing thru it several times resulting in either more pain, serious flooding (sorry if tmi) or fainting. So now I simply dont, its hot water bottle, max painkillers and bed.

    Sorry I can be any help but you are not alone.
  • naidanueva
    naidanueva Posts: 26 Member
    Last time I was "fighting the red dragon" as I put it, I forced myself onto the treadmill and went on a brisk walk, then a bit of jogging. At first I was hurting, but you have to keep at it, because if you work out hard enough, you'll hit the top of the mountain, so to speak, when all the endorphins are released and your pain goes away.
    At least that was my personal experience, but yes, it did suck to have to be on the treadmill with pain at the beginning.

    Here's a good article that talks about what I'm explaining:
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    I drag my sorry self to yoga. I go in feeling bloated, cranky, hungry, and crampy, and I leave feeling sweaty, calm, light, and as if someone has kneaded out most of my cramps. It's the going that's hard, once you're there it will most likely get better.
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    Thanks Ladies! Glad to know I'm not alone!! Guys have it so good sometimes :( Yes I totally understand about the 'flooding' if working out or being too active during that time - Nothing is TMI for me :)

    I will definitely try the yoga/stretching suggestion! It's freezing here so walking outside isn't an option and our treadmill is busted :( So that's out... stretching and resistance training sounds good to as someone said "keep my metabolism up"... I just can't imagine going from working out 6 days a week to doing absolutely nothing! I'm scared I'll get so behind.

    I appreciate all the encouragement and advice! I usually have my crazy-cravings before my period... (chocolate!!! Salt!!) :love: during it, I feel so horrible even eating anything doesn't feel good!:ohwell:

    Thanks again Ladies! Anyone have anymore tips/suggestions keep em rollin!
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    Last time I was "fighting the red dragon" as I put it, I forced myself onto the treadmill and went on a brisk walk, then a bit of jogging. At first I was hurting, but you have to keep at it, because if you work out hard enough, you'll hit the top of the mountain, so to speak, when all the endorphins are released and your pain goes away.
    At least that was my personal experience, but yes, it did suck to have to be on the treadmill with pain at the beginning.

    Here's a good article that talks about what I'm explaining:

    Haha I like that euphemism! Thanks for the link!! :flowerforyou:
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I'm so glad someone else suffers more when exercising! I'm not glad you're suffering obviously but most people look at me like i'm a bloomin liar when I say that it makes me worse. The pain increases, its like a giant excruciating pulse. I've tried pushing thru it several times resulting in either more pain, serious flooding (sorry if tmi) or fainting. So now I simply dont, its hot water bottle, max painkillers and bed.

    Sorry I can be any help but you are not alone.

    Totally the same feeling I get! It's way better though than before I had my daughter... before I had her it was like death visited me each month... the pain was excruciating!
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    Try some stretching and light weight training, just to keep yourself on track and your metabolism up. I agree-listen to your body. I am not looking forward to getting that back once nursing is done. I've been without for 18 months now. I'd like to keep it that way :wink:

    Lucky!! I wasn't so blessed! :ohwell: I think I'll definitely take your advice... Thanks!! :flowerforyou:
  • aneajo
    aneajo Posts: 287 Member
    Wow, when I get there (which I am now), I can't do any sort of exercise. I can hardly get on the floor to fold clothes. And the cravings. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ditto with the cravings, in fact i think im borderline murderous becos of them today so im going home to lock myself in a dark room lolll

    weigh in day for me 2moro and after years of dieting i still cant fathom out how much the TOTM effects my weight!
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    My Yoga video expressly says do not attempt any yoga poses while menstruating. Since they single that out, I would look into it before practicing yoga.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Last time I was "fighting the red dragon" as I put it, I forced myself onto the treadmill and went on a brisk walk, then a bit of jogging. At first I was hurting, but you have to keep at it, because if you work out hard enough, you'll hit the top of the mountain, so to speak, when all the endorphins are released and your pain goes away.
    At least that was my personal experience, but yes, it did suck to have to be on the treadmill with pain at the beginning.

    Here's a good article that talks about what I'm explaining:

    Haha I like that euphemism! Thanks for the link!! :flowerforyou:

    haha... like that euphemism too! I can attest to that from personal experience! If I push through the pain/cramps the endorphins take over and I don't feel the pain... until some point after the workout is over... then I'm doubled over on the toilet in the gym bathroom.... yeah... that was my morning...
  • Have you tried swimming? My cramps seem to just go away if I jump in the water. It's a really good strength/cardio workout if you use weights etc etc You could always try water aerobics as well. :)

    ETA: This is a consideration if your flo stops like mine does when I'm in water. If it doesn't then this suggestion might just flat out suck lol
  • I'd say just hop on the elliptical! I get cramps and pms and all that fun stuff and the only that really helps is heating pads or hot showers 70/80% dark chocolate squares and extreme cardio. Hot yoga isn't for everyone and I had my little bout with it but eventually the heat was just too much! Yoga can sometimes be too slow and uncomfortable around t.o.m. but vinyasa in a darker room is SO amazing. Also, visiting your local herb shop or getting some tea for cramps really works wonders and this is coming from someone who has cried countless days in the past from feeling emotional and crampy! And one last thing that I just recently started using last month is a sublingual PMS natural remedy by Hyland's. You can probably find it at any health food store, I found it at whole foods. It's just called "pms" :)
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