
caroline8483 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I started my diet on 3rd Jan and found out after routine blood tests a few weeks later that I am badly anaemic. The first 2 weeks I did really well and lost 4lbs.......since having to take a high dose of iron tablets each day I have found it a complete struggle and haven't lost any weight. Unfortunately iron tabs make me constipated and I have to eat liquorice to get things moving....sorry TMI!. It means that I am constantly having extra calories and have lost my motivation and determination that I started with.

Help.........I need some words of encouragement :o(


  • mrsdiaz
    mrsdiaz Posts: 29 Member
    Try Milk of Magnesia ....
  • kuarta
    kuarta Posts: 65
    Prunes are great!!! Or prune juice.....then exercise off the calories that are in them.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    metamucill makes a fiber caplet. you can take up 4 a day. i take two with each meal.. it will help... try and stay away from the stimulants though as your body can become dependent.. also you can take calcium...
  • I take Phillips the cherry kind and it wrks like magic lol.... Jus remember u can do anything u put ur mind too... One day at a time:smile:
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    Don't give up. I was anemic during my pregnancies. you just have to find other ways to get things "moving". For example, lots of water, green leafy veggies, some fruits like prunes also help. Maybe start adding Benefiber to food and beverage. At least this way you're getting good calories into your diet.

    They also sell Miralax over the counter. My daughter takes it once a day with her juice (she has no idea-it has no flavor or smell and dissolves easily) and has helped her tremendously!
  • FlCurves7
    FlCurves7 Posts: 8 Member
    I would try getting fiber from natural sources; like high fiber cereal, fruits, veggies. Stay away from laxatives. Drink lots of water too! Be encouraged! Maybe think about talking to a nutritionist..sometime that is covered by health plans. ( mine does)
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141
    Try tea. If you like onions -they also are a natural diuretic. My caffien in my Diet Mt. Dew does the trick for me. Milk works for my daughter. Look for healthier options & calculate it into your calories for the day.

    Fruit too is a good way to help your system out.

    When I was anemic - 1 tsp of Black Strap Molasses worked better than the iron pills for me.

    Google "Natural Remedies" and see what you can find! There's lots of things out there - you just have to find what works for you! Good Luck!
  • Caroline, you can DO THIS! You are strong and the human body is amazingly resilient. Why do you feel you got off track? What do you feel is slowing you down?
    Don;t let this little roadblock stop you from reaching your goals! You are WOMAN! Now ROAR! :bigsmile:
  • Iron is a toughy. Supplements are hard to absorb, gah!

    Something that helped my levels AND my tushy was going on a prenatal supplement with digestive support. This is the one that I took:

    What are some of the things you like to eat/drink? Sometimes folks that consume a lot of green tea have a hard time with iron because something in the tea binds to the iron molecules and flushes them out. I have read that Vitamin C from natural sources actually help your body absorb iron better. Also, you might want to aim for a diet whose calories are 85-90% from vegetables and the remaining balance from lean protein sources. It's worth a gander ;-).

    You CAN overcome this!
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    Aww don't get down, you will work through this. I assume you are eating the licorice at the advice of your doctor, right? Did he/she have any other suggestions for you? I have IBS and the only thing that has helped me fight those types of bouts so far is eating a whole grain bread at both breakfast and lunch every day. If I eat a third serving at dinner then it's too much and I have the opposite problem.
  • Hi,
    I used to have the same problem but take something called spatone instead now, its just iron water you add it to half a glass of orange juice and it gets to your system quicker and no constipation.You feel the benefits a lot quicker also.

    Hope this helps
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    So I am going to use brand names here, which I would usually never do, but I have found this particular combo to be very effective, while other brands just didn't work as well. Try Fiber Choice chewable tabs (you can get the economy size at Costco), they are chewable fruity flavored and taste like the candy "smarties". And also take Natrol brand Probiotic Acidophilus BioBeads. If you can't find that brand make sure the brand you buy guarantees LIVE cultures. The probiotics that are out there that don't guarantee live cultures are pretty much a waste of money. So far, Natrol is the only brand I can find out here (seattle) that contains the live cultures. Any of course lots of water! There is an old nurse remedy too, of graham crackers and prune juice. Believe it or not, it really works, but I don't know if you could successfully add that combo to your daily diet, it's not the most appetizing is it?

    Good luck, and try to stay away from stimulants (exlax, mag citrate, etc.) if you can... It's like using the nuclear alternative when you really just needed a sling shot..

  • I've struggled with anemia too, sorry to hear you're having a problem.

    B12 will also help to absorb the iron. Some docs will give a B12 shot, others won't if your count is over 200 which is the low end of the "normal" level but my doctor likes to see it 700 or above and I got shots till I went over that. So you can always ask your doctor about that to give you a boost. But you can get OTC B12 pills. That will help with your energy level too which I know anemia can take away.
  • Ballay
    Ballay Posts: 52 Member
    Phillips is good. Don't give up! We're with you all the way:)
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hi Caroline

    Sorry, I went to reply to this as soon as you posted but had a call to say my daughter taken to A&E so had to abandon, she is fine so here goes:

    Tell yourself you are working towards being the best health you can be so when you come off the tablets/rebalance your body re this you will be healthier anyway

    Give yourself a break ...if you are eating well and, excluding the liquorice, are hitting your calories (or as near as you are able under the circumstances) then this is good!

    Not sure what liquorice you eating but Panda stick is 99 cals. So if you maintain your calories and then exclude 2 or 3 of these a day from the calorie count that is brilliant!

    All the best!
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