Myth 1. Cardio is the #1 best way to burn calories and lose weight.
FALSE! Just look at all those people toughing it out on treadmills—are they slimmer and stronger? Not many. Here's why: Cardio is important for having a healthy heart and healthy lungs, but it's limited in its calorie- and fat-burning power because it only burns calories while you're doing it and for only a very short time afterward. Lifting heavy weight like you do with ChaLEAN Extreme™ not only burns mega calories while you do it, but the new muscle you build continues to burn calories and fat every minute of every day, 24/7. This is the AFTERBURN effect. You become a FAT-BURNING MACHINE.

Myth 2. Lifting heavy weights makes women bulk up.
FALSE! Just wait till you see some of the women who used my program! Muscle makes women look strong, lean, sexy, and sleek. Lifting heavy weights not only makes you stronger, leaner, and shapelier, but you build lean muscle that burns the fat, which is what we all really want, anyway.

Myth 3. I need to starve myself to lose weight.
FALSE! Our clinical study proves that with ChaLEAN Extreme you can increase your resting caloric burn by up to 70%. This means you're burning 70% more calories than normal, even if you're sitting on the couch reading a book! That's why the people who do my program actually EAT MORE, five or six times a day, and actually burn more fat and build more muscle than people who starve themselves by barely eating.

Myth 4. My metabolism is slow—there's nothing I can do about it!
FALSE! There is something you can do to speed it up—build lean muscle mass. Not only will you be stronger and look leaner, but you'll burn more calories—more fat—even while you sleep. And you'll be healthier, too.


  • Sslixtis
    Sslixtis Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with these statements. HOWEVER, Cardio does give you 24/7 afterburn as well. The afterburn is based on effort expended, you get back what you put in. This is not my belief, it is a scientific fact that has been measured many times.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Not doubting you. This is off ChaLEAN Extreme..not me.
    I agree with these statements. HOWEVER, Cardio does give you 24/7 afterburn as well. The afterburn is based on effort expended, you get back what you put in. This is not my belief, it is a scientific fact that has been measured many times.
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    Thanks for this post!! still thinking about CE, let me know how you feel after a few weeks!

    Sherri :)
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    I sure will!!!!
    Thanks for this post!! still thinking about CE, let me know how you feel after a few weeks!

    Sherri :)
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    Finished this program last year and had great results.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    well i use a treadmill and it works extremely well for me ( 19lbs since 1st of Jan) i dont think it matters what you use/do, its all about the effort that you are willing to put in, there is no 'magic' way to weightloss, just a lot of hard work.

    these are my opinions and are based on the effort i put into using a treadmill to my limit, not a light walk !!
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    Yup. I am an chalean extreme graduate and proof that you dont bulk up. If you look at my pic where I was 108lb (that is the pic in the purple shirt with hubby) I was weighing my lowest but still had fat all around. Once I started lifting weights (now at 118) I look slimmer than what I was 108 and clothes fit better. I get compliments from both sexes and I love it. I also can eat a lot more to fuel my body but the trick is to eat nutritious foods that your body needs not junk. It took me a while to learn that one. But once I did do it I saw results fast. I do splurge once in a while but always stick to my new healthy lifestyle.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Yup. I am an chalean extreme graduate and proof that you dont bulk up. If you look at my pic where I was 108lb (that is the pic in the purple shirt with hubby) I was weighing my lowest but still had fat all around. Once I started lifting weights (now at 118) I look slimmer than what I was 108 and clothes fit better. I get compliments from both sexes and I love it. I also can eat a lot more to fuel my body but the trick is to eat nutritious foods that your body needs not junk. It took me a while to learn that one. But once I did do it I saw results fast. I do splurge once in a while but always stick to my new healthy lifestyle.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    I dont' disagree that you will lose weight running/walking, BUT what will happen is once you are in better shape you will want more (at least I do) and doing the SAME thing over and over will not give me the results I want...especially just running. I use my treadmill at least twice a week as a cool down (i jog), but since I started a fitness program I have seen MUCH better results. All in all, you as a person should decide what you want, not what others think you should be like. I personally want a tight, toned and almost 6 pack in order to get that I have to 'train' for that. Good job on the 19lbs though! KICKING *kitten*!
    well i use a treadmill and it works extremely well for me ( 19lbs since 1st of Jan) i dont think it matters what you use/do, its all about the effort that you are willing to put in, there is no 'magic' way to weightloss, just a lot of hard work.

    these are my opinions and are based on the effort i put into using a treadmill to my limit, not a light walk !!
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    love chalean extreme ,will be doing it again in few mths
  • luckyinlife
    luckyinlife Posts: 81 Member
    Ok, you've talked me into buying it. WHere's the best price???
  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    Thanks:smile: I'm wanting to do CE later this year!
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member