Yay!! My first day to a new me!

I am so excited to lose this weight and find myself in the process! One day at a time, one step at a time and hopefully several pounds at a time!:smile: Good luck to everyone!


  • fiercegoddess
    Good luck to you too! I've only been on here a little over a week and already I feel better. Slowly but surely I'm exercising more and making healthier choices in food. Now to build the momentum.
  • sunstreaks22
    And to you, too! :)
  • SamWTFx3
    This is a really amazing site, I think you'll find it to be exactly what you need. I've been using this for almost a month and I couldn't be happier. I feel healthier, my endurance is way higher, and I constantly have a smile on my face!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    yay for you! good luck on your journey...today marks a year for me...best thing i ever did :)