Hey Ya'll! (because that is how we greet one another where I am from)

I am new to this site and am falling back into my old habits. I make a decision, do well for a while and then crash. I am 5 foot 9 and at one time I was thinner. My lowest weight was 190 and today I weight 252 pounds. I feel miserable to be honest and that is hard to admit. I am married and while he tells me I am beautiful I certainly don't feel like I am. My goal is to get down to 170 or 160. I haven't been that small in my adult life so it seems like SUCH a lofty goal! I haven't lost a pound and I could really use some encouragement! I don't know how to add you as friends or I would! Thanks!



  • Denise6914
    Welcome! We say "ya'll" around here too:) I'm new here also, but this place seems wonderful and everyone is super supportive. Sending you a friend request.
  • Evag6828
    Hi there don't be so hard on yourself it will happen just keep on with it. Every pound lost is a step closer to a healthier you. I'v just started 4 week ago and the first two weeks were the worst. You can do it...just takes time and work!
  • sunstreaks22
    Lofty goals are the best ones, because you feel that much more accomplished when you've made it. :) Take the next couple of weeks one day at a time, and just remember how much, RIGHT NOW, in THIS moment, you want to meet your goal. You'll be great, and we'll be here to support you every step of the way. Sending you both friend requests!
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    I think you came to the right place for support. This site is the best thing that's ever happened to me! If you need friends, I'm always up for new weight-loss buddies. I will friend request you. :flowerforyou:
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member

    I joined this site about 2 weeks ago and its really been an amazing thing. Definitely get to know everyone and take a peek at the discussion in the community boards as many people may have the same questions as you or you may know the answer to something. I totally know how you feel about your goals and if you need anything, message me!
  • matina29
    matina29 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi! I can relate to you because I am 5'7 and 229 pounds. My goal is around the same as yours. I was around 160 for only a short time more than five years ago and I got there by extreme dieting. I don't do that now. I eat the calorie amount that MFP says and I try to set realistic fitness goals. It took me my whole adult life to get obese, it's not coming off overnight! I am here if you want to talk of just say hi!
    Best of luck to you!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • sarakaufman
    sarakaufman Posts: 58 Member
    I joined about 2 weeks ago and I love it everyone is supportive. And if you need any info most people tell you right after you post it. I lost 7 pounds my first week but only one my second but I am not letting that get me down. you can friends me.
  • theidt87
    Hey there! Welcome to the site! I to know what it is like to fall back into bad habits. But when I look at myself in the mirror, I think, Do i like the way I look? When i put on a pair of pants and cant get the button done up I say to myself, wouldnt it be nice to wear a size that doesnt have 2 digits? I was 264 pounds when i started this program and that was a week ago and today with alot of push i have lost 5 pounds! And I have been eating the junk. My key is to excercise everyday. Even if ur tired and dont want to do it, make yourself. Think of where u will be a couple months from now. Its hard to stay focused when ur main goal in life was to eat. Ive been there, and my bf is overweight as well and no help. He constantrly brings junk into the house and we eat out alot too. But i have put my foot down and made it clear that those things wont enter my house. The easiest was to stay on track with your eating is to not bring in whats going to hold you back. Instead of buying a bag of chips, buy fruit or veggies. Or if you want something sweet or to snack on find something healthy that not only has few calories but helps to kick ur cravings. Its not easy to lose weight andf the road to success is a long one... But ur husband should support you 100 percent and help you in any way that he can.. And always remember IF AT FIRST YOU DONT SUCCEED, TRY, TRY, TRY AGAIN. Everyone falls off the wagon, you just need to get back on it! :smile:
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    We say Ya'll here too! A,Tx. BabY! lol Adding you now!
  • bcassanova
    Hey Phoenix, I want to assure you, you are not alone!!!! I know how difficult the struggle can be to get healthier, and lose weight.
    For me,personally, I'm trying to remember not to have a final number on the scale as the be all,end all. If you focus on the fact that you have choices every day....what am I going to eat? How much am I going to eat? Will I choose to exercise today? Have I fed my spirit today?..the number on the scale will take care of itself. Even if you made a bad choice an hour ago, the good news is you have the rest of the day to make good choices. Don't fret for that final number on the scale, or for that matter don't even fret for tomorrow. Repeat to yourself, "I LIVE FOR TODAY! TOMORROW WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF"..
    I'll keep you in my prayers....Phoenix, you can do this!!!!