do i have an eating disorder?

i am afraid i have an eating disorder. I dont eat very much. I try very hard not to eat. I have lost about 10lbs before i came to this websight. I am afraid i might have an eating disorder but i dont know. How do you know if you have an eating disorder?

i eat 750ish calories a day. i get mad at myself if i eat more. I am not very active. I cant talk to my doctor about it. Do you know how hard that would be? i know the guy. I see hime all teh tiem. I babysit his kids. I do get dizzy and stuff like that but i cant go to a doctor for this.


  • HungryTuna
    It's hard to tell if you've got an eating disorder based on your post. On average, how many calories do you consume on a daily basis? What kind of foods are you eating? When do you eat?
  • kmjenkins
    kmjenkins Posts: 396 Member
    My advice would be to talk to your doctor, if you extend extra effort not to eat and are concerned your doctor would be your best option to discuss and help you.

    Good luck!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Well how many net calories are you taking in?

    I went to see a nutritionist, and I techinically had an eating disorder. Because I was only eating 1200 but working off 900-1000 calories a day. So I was not getting the right amount of anything. Caused me to pass out and get dizzy a lot. my body was techinically trying to survive and play sports on 200-300 calories.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    This is a conversation you should be having with your doctor. No one on here is qualified to answer this, but if you are asking, then you must feel like you do. PLEASE make an appointment with your docotor ASAP!
  • smac8246
    smac8246 Posts: 8 Member
    a lot of eating disorders come with body issues or other issues of a person. Trying not to eat is not healthy, even why your trying to loose only a few pounds, if you feel you may have an eating disorder, you should really talk to your doctor, they can help plan a treatment for you, to help you.
  • prjoy98
    prjoy98 Posts: 250 Member
    Anidorie, First thing is to be honest with yourself and if you are concerned about your own health I believe you know what the answer is. If you believe you have a problem find someone either on here who has had the same issues that you have or seek medical help. I commend you on putting this post out here because I am sure it wasn't easy but its obvious that you are preoccupied with the "could it be" question.
    We are all here for support.
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    Eating disorders are such a mental thing that while it has physical manifestations obviously you'd really need a professional to "diagnose" it and as an above poster said...none of us are fully qualified to give anything more than our opinion. Here is a link I have used and found fairly accurate for me, it is a test used to assess RISK of an eating disorder (not if you actually have one) and while it is designed by medical professionals its an online test and all results should be taken with a grain of salt. If you need anything message me <3
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    No one here can answer this for you. You need to speak with a qualified professional. Please don't put it off. You need to at least get the answers, whether you have one, and the next steps.


    They can help answer questions about it, and refer you to a professional in your area. Good luck to you, and be strong.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Eating disorders generally stem from self-image issues. I'm not a doctor and I'm not going to clinically diagnose you, but how many calories would you say you're eating a day? If the reason why you're not eating much is because you're afraid you'll gain weight, it can spiral into anorexia. It sounds like you're forcing yourself not to eat.

    The only way to know for sure would be to see a physician and explain that you're feeling this way. Not eating food will destroy your body just as badly as eating too much food.
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    I am beginning to think that all this counting of calories and constantly obsessing about food is not the healthiest thing for some of us! Just my own observation. I don't know if this is part of the problem in your case or not, but I agree with the others in saying that if you think there is a problem then it would be best to speak to a professioanl about it!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I agree with another poster, if you are questioning whether you have an eating disorder, you probably do. 750 cals a day is very very low, especially when you try not to eat. If you feel you can't talk to your doctor, find another one, or find someone else. Besides, even if you know the guy personally, I'm sure he cares enough about you and would want to know and help you. I hope you find the help and support you are looking for!
  • Proudmumofboys
    Based on this post it's hard to tell, as everyone else said. if you are concerned talked to your doctor.

    I will be the first to admit, I had an eating disorder for many many yrs and still struggle to this day. I would go days w/o eating. Before I got married and had kids I was about 115-120 and I'm 5'8", so that's way too thin for my heights, I was wearing a size 4, wearing baggy close to cover that I was basically skin and bones. i never talked to my doc about it, nor did I talk to family and friends about it.. The assumption was there by family, but I would never admit to it. My hubby truly did save my life. but to this day I struggle w/ the food I eat, how much I eat and my weight. It's as much pychological (Sp) as it physical. Please message me if you want to talk more about this.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I think that you posting this thread at all means that you know there is something not right going on. And you NEED to talk to your doctor about it. Yes, you know him -- that's the point! He knows you and wants you to be healthy. If you honestly feel you can't talk to him, then he shouldn't be your doctor. So my advice is to talk to the doctor you have, or get a new one and talk to him/her. If this question is crossing your mind, then you need a professional to advise you. Even if the answer is that you don't have an ED but you are just not eating enough, this is something that needs to come from a physician, not strangers on a message board.

    Good luck to you on getting healthy. Be kind to yourself.
  • JemGeorge
    I was concerned for you reading this. Like previous comments, I agree no one here (unless they are a Doctor) is qualified to diagnose a condition. If however you feel you can't approach your 'regular' doctor to discuss your concerns, I'd suggest visiting a new doctor you have no established relationship with to remove that level of personal connection.

    If there is no alternative doctor available to you, perhaps you could contact a 'help line' where counsellors may be able to provide you with some support and tools to use to work through your current confusion and they may even be able to direct you to a support network where you could find the answers you're looking for..

    Bless you for having the courage to ask. That was a very brave first step.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    If you can't talk to your doctor, please talk to your guidance counselor at school. Or go see another doctor that you don't know on a personal level. To me, it sounds like you need guidance and support to be as healthy as you can be.
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    it is pretty apparent that you probably have some sort of problem. if your questioning yourself and thinking you do, you probably do. its not healthy to be afraid to eat and be afraid to go over 750cals you said? if thats all you eat in a day, thats really not enough for your body to be functioning on everyday. usually you need a minimum of 1200. your body naturally burns more in a day that that more than likely so your probably not eating enough. if you really think you could potientally have a problem, you HAVE to talk to you doctor. thats the first step in getting help and hopefully to getting better. You shouldnt feel bad or embarassed to talk to your doctor about it, they are only there to listen and to help you & Im sure your doctor hears and deals with this sort of stuff all the time. if you dont want to go to your doctor then at least try seeing a different doctor that you normally dont see then. the important thing is recognizing you may have a problem and then taking the right actions to getting help and so you dont feel like your afraid to eat, cause that is no way of living.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i am afraid i have an eating disorder. I dont eat very much. I try very hard not to eat. I have lost about 10lbs before i came to this websight. I am afraid i might have an eating disorder but i dont know. How do you know if you have an eating disorder?

    i eat 750ish calories a day. i get mad at myself if i eat more. I am not very active. I cant talk to my doctor about it. Do you know how hard that would be? i know the guy. I see hime all teh tiem. I babysit his kids. I do get dizzy and stuff like that but i cant go to a doctor for this.

    maybe. it would really be best to see someone or get a referral.

    only 4 more months until my appointment with an ED specialist
  • cathych
    cathych Posts: 19 Member
    i am afraid i have an eating disorder. I dont eat very much. I try very hard not to eat. I have lost about 10lbs before i came to this websight. I am afraid i might have an eating disorder but i dont know. How do you know if you have an eating disorder?

    i eat 750ish calories a day. i get mad at myself if i eat more. I am not very active. I cant talk to my doctor about it. Do you know how hard that would be? i know the guy. I see hime all teh tiem. I babysit his kids. I do get dizzy and stuff like that but i cant go to a doctor for this.

    Look at your post. You eat 750 calories a day, you get dizzy (this is because your body is starving). Why can't you go to a doctor? Why do you try not to eat? I think if you ask a question like this, you already know the answer. I am a nurse, and I say to get thee to a doctor.
  • Chelij
    Chelij Posts: 49
    Hey Hun! I was diagnosed with an eating disorder this time last year. I can tell u all about it. U can friend me and I'll send u my email address and we can talk if u want. I underwent treatment and am now in remission :)